A return @ 11:43 am
Hajime waits patiently for Kikuya's return. She's been gone... well, not that long, actually, but he's found that her absence left him feeling somewhat lost. Sure, he can get by, and she did her best to make sure he was provided for - which just makes him adore her that much more, but its not the same.
So when he heard she was returning, he made sure preparations were all made. Normally, one might assume that would mean having things ready for her so she could sit back, relax, and have tea - but he believes he knows her better than that. From what he's seen of the Americans, they might be alright, but they certainly don't appreciate her and her art properly. As such, he found a space out of the way, and set up a proper tea ceremony table and set with matcha and a tea set, and made sure a chef was free to prepare a full kaiseki meal for two, though the staff is forbidden to serve, just prepare.
That is timed with her arrival to give her enough time to wash and re-dress. It would not do to expect her to get a chance to serve while still looking like she just stepped off a plane.
That done, he waits in quiet contemplation
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