Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

Happy Birthday, Not really (Sammy) @ 03:25 pm


Once they got back from the mission, Jason had been looking forward to a long nap, and maybe a cold brew or two for his birthday. No crazy drinking this year and no fuss made about his getting older; he just wanted to relax and maybe convince Sammy to have tea with him, rather than coffee.

His father's death changed all of that.

Gran called him the morning after he'd gotten home a few days ago to give him the news. Jason didn't know how he should feel; on the one hand, it was his father who had passed away. On the other hand, his father had dropped him off at Gran's house one night when he was three years old and he only heard from him on the rare Christmas or birthday. Jason was ashamed to admit that, short of his grandmother's photos of their family, he couldn't really call Carter Howard's face to mind.

And now, on his birthday, he was going to hear from his father ever again. He'd have to tell Jake.

He sat at the table in his quarters with the first bottle of beer in the first twelve-pack he'd purchased for his twenty-fifth birthday. He wasn't sure he could drink all of them, but he figured he'd give it the old college try, even if he'd never been to college.


Just Another Day (Open) @ 09:25 pm


To James his birthday was just another day. He got up and immediately went to the gym. After a two hour workout and a hot shower he grabbed breakfast that consisted of two bagels and a cup of the best coffee one could get. James had become somewhat of a coffee snob since living with Mom and Tony, despite what MC claimed he liked for coffee. She didn't know him yet or even try to get to know him so he ignored what she said about him.

He headed for the rec room to play some video games for an hour. He knew he was an addict, he would admit it, but he had grown up a bit and was now limiting himself to two hours a day. An hour in the morning and an hour in the evening. There were more important things than video games and he had learned that lesson.

Mom had sent his gift and it arrived a day before his birthday. It consisted of a vacation for him and Val along with a gift card to his favorite video game store. She called and promised that she, Tony and Nick would visit soon.

He leaned back on the couch and hit start.

Reporting for Work (Nell) @ 10:24 pm


(Backdated to June) 


Cassidy shows up at the Consulate to speak with Nell, per Andrew's suggestion. He's given it some serious thought over the last few days, and helping Andrew and the Genoshans feels like the right play to him. He's been thinking over what he wants to do with his life and now, he knows.

Right now, though, he's here to speak with Miss St. Croix about how he can help with her work and, in turn, Andrew's.

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay