Meeting of the McCoys @ 12:12 pm
More and more Friedrich had grown disenfranchised with his family's methods of pushing the mutant agenda. While Friedrich was hardly squeamish, in fact violence had little affect on him, but said action should serve a higher reason for the pursuit of mutant survival. While he wasn't sure he could say he loved his brother, Nicholas, he had a deep respect for him. The fact of the matter was, his habit of killing human sympathizers along with "wannabe-human" mutants seemed more petty than for any higher purpose. While Friedrich shared his brother's contempt for said individuals, in the end his continued crusade was not feasible.
His father was even more dissappointing. While Nicholas on some level may feel he's helping the mutant cause, Friedrich did not get the same impression from his father, no matter what he personally claimed. After long observation Friedrich came to the conclusion that his father was, in the end, a sadistic lunatic. He respected the man's brilliance, but his pattern of behavior increasingly confirmed the truth to Friedrich. The Dark Beast didn't care a wit about his people. To him "the cause" was simply a pretext to perform all manner of grotesque experiments to push the mutant genome. Not to help his people, but for his own curiosity and sick enjoyment. Friedrich's own modified mutations were proof of that. Granted Friedrich had intiated his own "inhuman" experiments, but at least they served a higher purpose.
Then one day, Friedrich believed enough was enough. He would never be able to properly aid his people within the confines of his home or with the limited doctrine of Gene Nation. No, he needed a new perspective. While leaving the only home he knew was difficult, it had to be done. So one day, with a disguise he'd been preparing to cover his animal-like legs and claws, Friedrich set out to find someone who could properly see to it his efforts were truly working for mutant benefit. Though in truth, he had little idea of where to go, hence his search. He had a few options, but wasn't sure which would be the most feasible.
Unable to make a solid decision without more information, Friedrich decided a visit to the library would be prudent. Perhaps there would be articles and studies he could utilize. He walked a little awkwardly, he wasn't used to walking like the average human, into the building. He made doubly sure nothing was visible before entering.
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