The wrong house on the wrong night (Michelle) @ 10:12 pm
(This scene occurs shortly after this.)
"I'm goin' for the door on three. Once I get it open, you all need to get inside and get the welcome party ready for our guest of honor." said Brick, adjusting his Hell's Angels cut. Brick, along with Nailz, Charlie Clips and young Half-Pint were sent by their boss, Ellis Clayton, to find Tommy Templeton. Or Austin Caine, as he liked to call himself these days. Somehow, the little bastard managed to kill two of their brothers, and they were going to make Caine and the Devil's Tribe MC pay for that mistake.
"One...two...three!" Brick whispers, then across the street to the door of the two-story condominium in Boston. He gets to the door and drops to a knee, his lockpicks already in hand. Less than ten seconds later, the front door of the condo clicks open and Brick steps inside.
Nailz, Clips, and Half-Pint make their run across the street under cover of night, taking care not to be seen by anyone on the street or in the surrounding condos.
Half-Pint is the last man to move and is a little sluggish because his ankle is still messed up from an accident earlier in the week. He hobbles as best he can, looking around because he's got a bad feeling about tonight.
He just doesn't know why.
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