Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

Happy Birthday Vernique! (Open) @ 07:00 pm


Svalin would admit that she wasn't the best at gift selection and gift giving unless the gifts happen to be weapons or armor. Those she could make herself and give to people, but her pregnancy prevented her from working the forge. Thankfully Svalin had some jewels and gold from her wedding gifts and Lady Sydney had helped her find a jewelry maker in the city.

The necklace was beautiful when it was done and Svalin hoped Vernique liked sapphires. She had almost went with rubies, but she thought the blue jewels were pretty and would look good on her wife.

She wrapped the necklace in a black velvet cloth and went to find her wife.

Another Year Older backdated to 7/10 (Op;en) @ 08:40 pm


It was Leo's birthday. It had been a busy day of work but when he finished he felt like he should at least do a little bit of celebrating. He decided to go out and have a few drinks at the local bar.

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay