Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

For The Love Of Stuff (open) @ 11:31 am


Chris had sent out an e-mail to all the other students that she was putting together a day-trip to the city for shopping, with the promise of dinner and deserts that were entirely bad for them. She'd called Pauline as well, in case she was free to meet them once they got in.

She waited in the foyer of the Institute for anyone who was going to join her.

Out of Doors, but Inside Your Mind @ 11:42 am


Lisa stopped by a bench in the middle of her jog through Central Park, She checked her pulse with satisfaction. Bradley had cleared her for general exercise and activity, even if 'feeding' was still off the table per Julian's request. Minnie was gone, somewhere, and without her around to confirm the success of more feedings by Julian, they'd been proceeding with caution. She was feeling better, physically, and working out more often than just maintaining her weight dictated had been part of that. She'd felt so helpless during the struggle in Mutant Town. Julian, all of her co-stars, the Genoshans, they all had powers no matter what. Without someone to feed on, she was vulnerable.

The cravings, the need to hunt, were still miserable. She'd gotten very good with her powers. She could pick up other mutants and genetically altered individuals at medium range now, even if she still couldn't tell exactly what made them different. She'd passed by four of them just in the hour and a half of her jog today.

She sat down and took out her water, things running through her mind. She was comfortable with where her life was right now. More than enough money for herself, even some put aside for her little sister Emily's college fund. She was recognized enough that she got into any club she wanted and all the best shops, but she could still go out in public without getting swarmed. She actually counted Pauline as a friend she could talk to about most anything (aside from Julian stuff).

And there was Julian. Unless she's at work on something, she does find it difficult to think of him without smiling. He was definitely more than a boyfriend, but there was a certain emotional descriptor she'd never used aloud before. It wouldn't have felt right, not while he still had so much control. She delighted in being able to push him to do better and more, but being an equal was a important to her.

The moment they'd met, he'd been the one with everything. She'd fought tooth and nail to use the resources he gave her to pull herself up as well. Sure, she didn't doubt he had the pull to harpoon her career if he wanted, but for the simple fact that he wouldn't; but as it was, she could walk away from X-Factor, cut off any support from him, and still stand on her own. She maintained her own calendar without her agent having to hold her hand, she did her own shopping and managed her own money. She was strong.

And she was still dieing.

Alright, too much time to sit and think. She texted her significant other to check his dinner plans, then got up to resume her jog. She was dieing, but she wasn't dead.

And now, back to our story, already in progress... (backdated to the original posting date) @ 07:49 pm


In spite of all her efforts, Rachel had come no closer to freeing herself than when she'd started.  Three rounds of Mojo's sadistic game had passed in all, and she'd picked Starbridge, David, and Torn Ear once each, trying to give them what respite she could.  And each time, they had survived the challenge.  As had Sweepzweak. 

It was enough to drive a girl mad.

And perhaps the worst thing of all?  She'd actually already made up her mind before they'd gotten kidnapped.  She might have hemmed and hawed a bit, but when it came down to it, she realized who she wanted as her boyfriend.

As the guys returned to the contest area, she resumed marshaling what little psychic power she could.


Marvel Next Generation Roleplay