Matter of Honor: Epilogue @ 02:10 am
Amiko presented the sword to Sunfire's side of the family.
She listed the crimes of her cousin Jushiro: murder, kidnapping, assault, treachery, and filial impiety. How he had destroyed and sullied all that his aunt, her Lady Mother, had worked so hard, sacrificed so much, to rebuild and restore.
She described Kenuichio's attempt to keep the sword from him, and his offering up the location to her at the end of his life.
She explained about the duel, and the cowardice and treachery Jushiro had exhibited once more.
"...And so I offer you our clan's traditional symbol of grace, virtue, and honor, that you may better assert a rightful authority over the clan and denounce Harada Jushiro for the renegade he is!"
And Ohhhh, did they. The bulk of the resources of and personnel that had clung, however waveringly in the face of his setbacks, to the criminal daimyo fell away in the course of days.
Given time, the Yashidas would be a respectable clan with fully legitimate endeavours again.
Amiko was eternally grateful to the others for their help.
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