Burning the midnight oil @ 01:33 pm
David normally didn't fuss about anything. He was a very stable kid. Nothing got to him and he didn't have any problems.
That was at least how he acted. But he did have problems. Sometimes he had nightmares. He had no idea what he should do about this thing with Rachel, Starbridge, and Torn Ear. He also had become aware that his little secret was becoming more of an issue. It kind of pissed him off.
He just wanted to be a normal guy. Like that was ever going to happen though. No matter how much Misha and Rose wanted things to be normal for him David was just as much aware that things just wouldn't ever be that way.
Which might be why he was in one of the studies right now late at night. Sleep was not happening when he could feel that restless streak taking hold. Especially when he was trying to work things out in his head and fighting to calm his nerves.
Yeah, not happening. David's zen master like state of mind was just not returning right now. Joy. It was Uncle Hank's chili, he swears to God.
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