Happy Birthday Charlie! @ 06:16 am
Asgardians didn't bother with birthdays and birthday celebrations, but since spending some time on Migard Svalin had come to understand that celebrating the day of one's birth was important. Svalin had made a note of her teammate's birthdays when she had read their files not long after joining the Avengers. Today, at least she thought it was today, was Charlie's birthday. It was a little difficult to keep track of exactly what day it was when one was hopping through time.
She mentioned Charlie's birthday to Vernique and Plans were made. The rest of the Avengers were let in on the plans.
One tradition of celebrating one's day of birth was to give them a gift. Svalin hadn't time to make him a dagger, but she had managed to purchase one from a pilot who seemed to be following her around along with a jacket that was called a bombadier jacket. Svalin had removed the name patch and had stayed awake all night removing the embroidery of the pilot's name and stitching Charlie's in it.
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