Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

An Introductory Reunion. @ 09:30 pm


Tina had to get away from Xavier's for a bit.  The closer in proximity she was to her fellow X-types and mutants the higher the odds that she'd develop a new ability.  Tina was growing weary of the now-normal searing pain of her genetics rewiring to accommodate something new and while it was fun she couldn't go drinking with Rose every night.  She elected to go home for a bit, to go stretch out on her own couch and just relax in the relative peace and quiet of her brownstone.  Justin could come stay the night when he wanted to (provided she could lure him out of the lab...some flirtatious texts often did the trick)  and she would be safe to try to get a handle on what the hell was going on with her since Providence.  Dr. McCoy still had no lead on fixing her and Tina realized she had to psychologically brace herself for the possibility that she might never be her brand of normal again.

Today, she'd gotten up early.  Just had been there for the night so she got up, made him breakfast, sent him out the door (which made her feel kind of like a housewife, which as nice) and then sat herself down with a cup of coffee.  The day was still pretty early and she had a blank canvas.  A second cup of coffee in hand, she tried to decide what to do for the day.  It was kind of liberating to have no plans, but boring just the same.

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay