To say that Scott had found the results of X-Force's mission distressing was an understatement. There was the fact that Nathan had played them; Scott was inclined to give his son the benefit of the doubt, but when he went and did something like this, using the students to carry out his own plans, well...
There was the appearance of a new group of Mutant terrorists. Especially one led by a woman styling herself after Magneto. In these troubling times, most of the so-called "evil" or revolutionary mutant groups had had the good sense to go to ground. Worse, the woman was bound to attract Magneto's attention, or worse, that of his followers. The very presence of a revolutionary cloaking herself in the Master of Magnetism's old standard could set the world of Mutants ablaze, with sides being chosen all around. It might well lead to a mutant civil war.
But worst of all, however, was the state of the team itself. Joey had been grievously injured. Tina was exhibiting strange side effects and it was possible the others would be experiencing the same. And even Rose was not her usual self, having retreated more into herself, in a way Scott had only seen in Logan a few times before.
The meeting with the team was a casual one, to hopefully keep them at ease. But this would not be easy. Not with the personalities that made up the team.
"Thank-you all for meeting like this," he said. "I know the last few days haven't been easy, and I want it known I appreciate the efforts you all put through. If the X-Tremists hadn't appeared, I have little doubt I'd be congratulating you on a job well done. You took a situation full of unknowns and performed above and beyond the call."
He frowned. "Unfortunately, in the wake of as many unknowns as we're currently facing here, and in light of giving you all time to recover... we have decided to temporarily suspend you all from field status; restoration of such... will come when we feel it safe, for both you and everyone else."