America's Favorite Pastime @ 04:49 pm
The week had been a busy one for Anya and she needed some major downtime. Classes had loaded her down with homework and she had personal projects that needed to be done. Upgrades for Darlene, upgrades for Darwin and Schrodinger and upgrades for the computer systems in the Thunderbolts Headquarters. She still had to find time to take a trip to the West Coast to upgrade the computers at the Defenders' Headquarters. All of this translated into a week with very little sleep. She was in dire need of that downtime.
The best way to spend downtime was with her amazing boyfriend.
Anya had made arrangements earlier in the week and when classes were over on Friday, she rocketed to New York. The game started at 7pm, but they had to be there quite a bit earlier than that. Anya grabbed a quick shower, dressed in a shirt and jeans and slipped on her pair of Doc Marten boots. She had told Steve they had plans for the evening, but she hadn't elaborated on what those plans were. Starks could be devious.
With a smile on her face and a bounce in her step, she went to find Steve.
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