Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

One Kid, Two Kids, Wagner Kids, Blue Kids @ 12:15 am


So, apparently, she had a sister.  Well, a second sister.  There was already TJ, though she wasn't exactly sure what had happened to her.

The sheer size of the Mansion and various demands had kept Mina from meeting with her until now, but everything had finally lined up.  She'd thought about the best way to do it, and finally had left a message with Gretchen to meet her down in the gym for a time honored Wagner tradition: fencing.

Mina possessed a fair amount of skill at it, or at least she thought so, and besides, what she lacked in skill, she made up in quantity.

Royal Summons @ 12:54 am


After getting Justin settled in at the mansion and introducing him around to a few of the older residents, Misha got a message from Tasha to visit as soon as he had the time. With Justin making himself at home in one of the labs, Misha had the time. He was useless with the coding and actual armor creation.

He drove Darlene into the city, listening to her prattle on about a science symposium and exploring the options of an artificial body. Anya had even more to answer for the next time he saw her. This was his car, not one of her experiments.

Stopping long enough for chocolates and flowers, he made good time and let himself into the condo. "Mom, it's Misha!"

Famous Last Words @ 10:36 pm


It took some serious doing while Mom and Dad were out this evening, but Ben manages to find Peter's old Nikon Camera in the attic from his days as a photographer at the Daily Bugle. It also takes a serious chunk of Ben's allowance to get some good film for the thing, but once he'd done so, he was ready. He threw some clothes in his backpack, made his bed, then left a note for Mom and Dad saying he going to visit May over at ESU and see the Comedy Improv Group doing a free show there with her.

Alibi established with the parents. He also sent a text to May saying he was staying the night at Jake's house, but they were going out to the Arcade at Coney Island.

Alibi established with Super-Hero Sister.

Time for action.

Ben catches the bus down toward the docks not far from ESU, having heard from a few reliable sources that the Poison Memories had some turf in the area. Tonight, Ben was going to end their reign of terror, and make them pay for what they'd done to Sidonie and countless other best friends, brothers, and sisters over the years.

An hour later, he's watching the docks, camera in hand, waiting for the shot that the cops can't ignore. He doesn't have spider-powers, but he does have the courage to stand up to evil.

He takes a deep breath, peeking around a corner as a car pulls up on the docks.


Marvel Next Generation Roleplay