Father knows best? @ 02:34 pm
Kassia was getting fidgety. She hadn't contacted her mother or her sister, Christina, since she'd reconnected with her father. She'd been very good, obeying her sister Marrina's every word and while she didn't actually count herself on Marrina's team, she kept active and picked up the place a bit as needed. She made cookies and indulged in cookies, read a ton of books, and watched television.
That was what made her fidgety. Various news reports of issues at several Frost Industries facilities around the world. It was weird. Some of the reports weren't specific enough for Kassia to figure out what facilities were damaged and though they all said no one had been hurt, that didn't mean she believed them. Tina could have been in one of them working off clock, or even her Mother. She wanted to call them, or at least Tina, to make sure things were okay. But Dad had said not to contact them.
Before she did anything rash, though, she decided to ask Marrina's opinion. She knocked on her sister's door.
Kassia was getting fidgety. She hadn't contacted her mother or her sister, Christina, since she'd reconnected with her father. She'd been very good, obeying her sister Marrina's every word and while she didn't actually count herself on Marrina's team, she kept active and picked up the place a bit as needed. She made cookies and indulged in cookies, read a ton of books, and watched television.
That was what made her fidgety. Various news reports of issues at several Frost Industries facilities around the world. It was weird. Some of the reports weren't specific enough for Kassia to figure out what facilities were damaged and though they all said no one had been hurt, that didn't mean she believed them. Tina could have been in one of them working off clock, or even her Mother. She wanted to call them, or at least Tina, to make sure things were okay. But Dad had said not to contact them.
Before she did anything rash, though, she decided to ask Marrina's opinion. She knocked on her sister's door.
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