Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow @ 12:27 am


It was time for the Exiles to move on. Their job in this universe was done and there were many more out there that needed to be fixed or saved.

They were given an hour to say their goodbyes before they moved on.

(no subject) @ 10:10 pm


Heath got out of a yellow taxi cab in the city he loved. LA was wonderful but New York City was heaven. "Thanks man." he said to the cabby before getting his bag out of the trunk. He was staying at the Plaza while he exsplored Columbia and NYU. Entering the famous hotel he quickly checked in and went up to his room. The flight had been less than fun, he had been sitting next to an older woman who continually told him her grandaughter was in love with him. So he had to play nice while silently counting down the minuits until landing at JFK.

Besides meeting up with the family, and looking at the schools, Heath had homework. When he returned to LA he was going to finish filming the season finale of Edge of a Cliff. He doubted he would read it while in the city, but it was something that had to get done before the end of the week. Deciding that he wanted to do something before his Columbia tour in the morning he decided to try and meet up with anyone.

 Pulling out his blackberry he dialed the number of his favorite cousin. 

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay