Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

Roll Back The Clock @ 03:28 pm


A call comes over Kristoff's communicator, registering as originating from Vincent's laboratory.

"Kristoff, would you join me in my lab? I'm preparing to initiate something, but I need a fresh set of eyes and a fresh mind to make sure I haven't overlooked anything."

A pause.


(no subject) @ 04:38 pm


Anya rubbed her eyes. Staring at the holographic 3-D model was not getting her any closer to solving the problem. She was trying to design a zero point energy module small enough to power her suit and her potential new car. Her new suit was a power hog and she needed a more efficient and powerful energy source for it. Zero point energy seemed the way to go, but the problem was creating a device small enough to be put in the suit. Every design she had tried so far had failed. She was about ready to call in the big guns, Dr. Richards or Dr. Vernard. They were the foremost experts on zero point energy. Not to mention designing and engineering was not Anya's strong point.

A break was definitely needed. She had been in the office since 7am and had worked straight through since then.

She sent an email to Dad asking him to come down to the lab if he got some free time.

Now for that break. She shut off the computer and the hologram and headed for Pepper's office to see if Pepper wanted anything to eat while Anya was getting something.

Dinner @ 06:10 pm


Kalypso had told Jack she would set something up for him to meet her brother Dae and she had done just that. She went with dinner at a casual place, nothing fancy, and a place that served nothing too exotic. She knew of Jack's sensitivity to strong tastes and smells and she wasn't sure of Dae's preferences. The two siblings were still getting to know each other and it would take some time. So simple fare at a small bistro it was.

Kal and Jack were a few minutes early and were shown to a table.

The one where they find out they like each other. @ 09:26 pm


Things had been crazy the past couple of weeks and Aaron was taking some time to relax and watch a movie in the REC room. He had caught himself up on all of his homework and this seemed like a perfect time to watch Naked Gun a good light hearted comedy was just what he needed.

Aaron had told Cait that he would be watching the movie at about this time and was hoping that she would come.


Marvel Next Generation Roleplay