Guns, guns, guns... and hamburgers @ 08:19 pm
A girl needs to eat. After that whole Weapon X thing went belly up, it took her a while to tap into Daddy's contacts to find a job, but Rose Red, whoever she is, pays awfully well. Right now Crosshairs is being paid awfully well to keep track of a meeting between some people working for the Kingpin. Dangerous business, but what does she care?
Sure, odds she'll get to play with her babies on this one are limited, but c'est la vie... that'll come once she proves herself on recon.
And hey, as long as she has to keep an eye out for a particular couple of thugs, she might as well wander across the street to some burger place. Big Nick's - smells good, but she doesn't know the place. Plenty of window seating, anyway. After all, now that she has a source of income, and needs to do stakeout duty anyway, a girl's gotta eat.
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