Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

The Raging Battle @ 01:09 am


An eerie calm fell over Asgard for a few brief moments. The forces of dark were outside of the shield over the city and were still. Inside the Asgardian warriors waited for the moment when the shield would come down and the battle would start. They were warriors, men and women, caught in an endless struggle against the dark forces that were camped outside the walls.

This would be another battle in an almost endless series of battles. Two forces locked in a constant struggle until the day the last battle came and all would be decided. Today was not the day of that last battle, but it was a day of battle.

The warriors inside the shield had taken up their proper places and waited for the shield to come down. The warriors armed with swords, shields, axes and other weapons were on foot and horseback. Beserkers waited to unleash uncontrolled fury upon their enemies. Magic users stood perched upon high battlements waiting to unleash their spells upon the enemy. Archers also lined the battlements, waiting to rain a storm of arrows upon their foes. Valkyries waited to take to the air to strike at their enemies from above. The battle commanders paced the upper battlements looking out at the forces, dark and light, below them.

Everything was still. Man, woman, horse and enemy. Not even a breeze blew.

The shield came down and chaos erupted.

Be My Valentine @ 06:01 am


Living with three women, especially the women in his family, for over a year had taught James quite a few things about women and what they liked. Valentine's Day had come and James had to do something for Valeria. He did wish that Anya was around to ask for her advice, but he'd muddle through somehow.

He didn't have the Stark name to throw around to get into nice places, but he did know someone who could hook him up. A week ago he had wandered into Stark Inc and talked to Pepper. Pepper could make the arrangements James needed and also give him advice. James was not afraid to admit that he was clueless when it came to these types of things.

With Pepper's help, plans had been made and the day had finally arrived.

James put on a suit, bought flowers (daisies, not roses) and showed up at the Baxter Building.

Fly Me To the Moon @ 06:16 am


Valentine's Day had arrived and Kal had made plans. She had spent a lot of time away from New York recently and knew she had to do something special for Valentine's Day with Jack. Family demands were high, but she wasn't going to ignore Jack because of her crazy family. Crazy was an appropriate term for them.

She packed a picnic lunch and included all of Jack's favorites. Including a few bottles of wine. Once she was ready, she flew over to Jack's and landed on the fire escape. Kal knocked on the window.

Won't you be mine? (Valentine's Day, Open) @ 12:23 pm


As he did every year, whether he had a girlfriend or not, Charlie bought a little something for each of the Avenger girls for Valentine's Day. Nothing too big (he didn't want to deal with angry boyfriends, after all), just a singular rose and a small box of chocolates for each girl.

A smile on his face, Charlie made his way around Avenger's mansion to deliver each girl her gift.

You Can't Outthink Love @ 02:41 pm


Vincent had let Andrea know to dress up however nicely she chose, as he had special plans for them for Valentine's Day. He'd been dropping various hints about what he had in mind, but they were all seemingly unrelated items.

Unable to forgo the classics however, he tapped at Andrea's door, appreciating once again that she was in the room adjacent to his own, with a miniature potted rosebush (cutting flowers just for the sake of sticking them in a vase always seemed wasteful), and a box of her favorite chocolates.

Valentine's Day @ 04:24 pm


Daniel doesn't really have a Valentine, but he's not above the mushy stuff entirely. He got over that age a couple years ago, and has started noticing girls. Problem being, while there are some cute girls in his school, and he eats lunch with some of them sometimes, he'd like to connect more with the hero crowd - and most of the kids aren't his age.
First and foremost, he makes sure Zoey and Scotty get some extra candy (including carefully packed candy cigarettes and root beer hidden under the card and more 'acceptable' candy) and silly Valentines.

Then he gets something for that cute X-girl. Ok, sure, he doesn't know her well, but they've met a time or three in passing. His dad is connected everywhere, and he's done his share of traveling. Can't hurt to at least make sure she gets something for Valentine's. He finds a card with a suitably adorable puppy and the standard silly poetry without being too sappy or suggestive. Cute puppy and 'Happy Valentine's Day' seems fitting.

He sends it off to Ellie to make sure it'll be there the Friday before the holiday.

The Anti- Valentine @ 07:13 pm


Sophie was not a true fan of the dreaded Valentines Day. Granted she had never had a true valentine, but she had her reasons not to like it. Besides not having a valentine, Sophie just hated how extra lovey dovey her parents were. There was only so much parental unit pda a kid could take and her parents over did it every year. So Sophie spent her free time away from homework and engrossed herself in her newest paperback find. Folding back the cover she began to read.


Home again, home again... @ 08:51 pm


Alisa had a magical night. She was able to reveal a secret that plagued her mind for the past five years, in doing so it felt like the world had lifted from her shoulders. She also got to spend Valentine's Day with Argo, who said he was happy to have spent time with her... and saw her as a friend. He was everything she imagined. he was most kind to her, did not force her to do anything she did not wish to do, held her hand, and he kissed her... he kissed her!

Her face was still a bright red, and she was humming happily as she placed her key into the front door of the home she shared with Ennie. After opening the door, she shut it behind her and re-locked it. This was the happiest night of her life. For once, she felt beautiful and worthy.

"Ennie... a-ah'm home..."

Digging In For Another Day Carrying On In My Own Way (Open) @ 09:01 pm


Cait hadn't felt like celebrating anything lately, let alone a holiday mostly for couples. February was a month full of holidays, then again just about every month was, but Cait didn't want to celebrate any of them. There was Dies Parentales, Lupercalia, Quirinalia, and Feralia to name a few. She hadn't made any offers or said any prayers. Her heart wasn't in it.

Cait had been keeping to herself. She either stayed in her room and played with the water in the fountain Corey had gotten her or she walked down on the shore of the lake and played with the ice and water. Normally she loved being around the other students, but since the episode with the Marauders she was becoming more and more reclusive.

She sighed and stepped out onto the ice on the lake. She started making ice statues.

A world of hurt @ 09:49 pm


Sarah remained unconscious through the flight to the states, and all the way to the east coast, though Talia did what she could for the worst of her injuries. Her healing is good - but it'll still take plenty of time.
The X-Men's facilities are still overtaxed, but they do have healers, and possibly the best chance of freeing Anya's mind, so that's where they end up.

By the time she awakens, she's bandaged, some of the most severe of her wounds are tended, and only 90% of her is in active pain at the moment. At least til she tries to move, then it hits about 97%.

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay