Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

A Night Out @ 03:50 am


Alex was excited and nervous at the same time. Mel and he were going out to dinner. Out. At a restaurant. Alex hadn't been out to eat at a restaurant since he was twelve. Tonight not only was he going out in public, but with Mel. That was the part that made him nervous.

Jordan's planning had arranged all of this. Alex wondered what he had done to deserve such good friends and teammates.

It was silly, but he looked at himself in the mirror. He wanted to make sure his fur was clean and he was presentable. He wouldn't embarrass Mel if he could help it. A quick look at the clock told him that if he dallied any longer, he'd be late and that wouldn't be a good thing on his first night out.

He ran out of the room.

It's a Trap! @ 05:31 am


A text came in to Tony's phone from his daughter's phone.

Up for lunch? Meet me at my apartment at 1. I'll make arrangements for a place here in Cambridge. It's for a surprise for Mom. Love, Anya.

An Intresting Meeting @ 06:26 pm


Ryan was waiting in the lobby of the natural history museum right in front of the ticket area. He had only gotten back to earth a few hours ago and was still hurting from his fight. He had cracked a rib and a massive headache in addition to being exhausted and sore being all over. But that’s what the pain killers he had taken were for.

He hadn’t even noticed the cracked rib at the time must have been the adrenaline rush or something but that really didn’t matter right now. He knew that he probably should be in bed resting right now but he had to know why the hot girl from his world lit class was doing on the Empresses ship. When they had landed at the Avengers he had gotten a note asking her to meet him here around this time. But for now he was resting against a wall waiting for her to get there.


Aftermath: Daddy Issues @ 07:03 pm


Namor had been surprisingly grateful for the assistance of the Fantastic Four and Alpha Flight, and once his own transportation had been sent for, had even thrown a feast for his victorious allies.  They would be all be going home soon.

But before that could happen, Namorhad asked to see Marrina.  Privately, away from the others.

Her birth-father.  Who didn't know.

She knocked, was bidden to enter, and entered the private chamber quietly.  "You...  wanted to see me, your highness?"

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay