Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

Field Test @ 02:56 am


Ezra Kane had been most pleased with the tech provided by Senator Sloane. So far the results were encouraging, but he needed his team to do a real field test. He knew the perfect test to do with the two mutants that Crosshairs and Bloodlust had brought in.

He looked at Phobia and Crosshairs. "You know what to do. Get in, take a look around, get any information you can and then get out. Spectre will be waiting for you call for extraction."

It's the Greatest Show on Earth! @ 06:42 pm

Current Location: New Orleans, LA
Current Mood: amused

The van that turned down the street in front of the Champion's home looked like any other brown delivery truck. Black and gold letters painting it's side and a man in a uniform consisting of a hat, button-up shirt and shorts the same drab color of his van looking as bored as one could with his job. The van stopped just short of the former night club's entrance. The delivery driver turned around in his seat and rummaged around for the small package he had for the inhabitants.

Hopping out of his van, 10x10 box tucked under his arm, he headed to the door and rapped on it three times. Not waiting for an answer - there was no signature confirmation requested - he set it on the top step and went back to his van, signed off on his clipboard and started the vehicle up.

By the time the door to the old club opened, he was already driving away to carry on with the rest of his deliveries.

The brown cardboard box, ten inches by exactly ten inches was addressed to The Most Worthy 'Champion' and weighed perhaps three pounds at the most. There was no return address.

Let the Games Begin @ 07:13 pm


"I have made my selections!" Empress declared to her assembled "court". "ColLECT thEM!" she ordered.

"Of course your majesty," a guard said with a deep bow.

"I want them dressed and ready to FIGHT as soon as poSSible!" She wanted to find her champion as soon as possible. There were fights to win. Respect to be gained. Blood to be spilled! All of it was for her personal gain. She relished in the power her fighters gave her. "Now GO!"

The guard bowed again and hurried off to obey her Empress' wishes.

An hour later all of the selected girls were teleported up to the ship and the brainwashing process began.

As soon as possible they would be put into the arena and would fight for their Empress' pleasure.

Battle on the High Seas (of Canada) @ 07:26 pm


When last we left our heroes, the hordes of Atlantis were heading straight for Canada, ready to enact great vengeance upon the surface world.  The Fantastic Four had intervened, but were shot down over the open ocean  (fortunately, the could all fly).  But now they face an army of Atlanteans, including their mysterious leader....

Alpha Flight, alerted to the thread to Canada, has set off in its Alpha Flier in order to fight for truth, justice, and the Canadian Way!  Fortunately for all concerned in this aquatic battle royal, Alpha Flight possesses not just one, but two aquatic heroes--the shapeshifter, Alex, and Marrina, daughter of the legendary Sub-Mariner himself!

Who will win?  Will the hordes of Atlantis overtake Canada and then the world?  And what has happened to the Atlantean Royal Family, Namor, Namora, and Namorita?

Find out...


Ding Dong! @ 09:58 pm


There was somebody waiting to be let in.  She stood with her hands on her hips and one foot stepping out.  Akilah had come to join the Avengers, since she didn't feel like she had any reason to stay at home in Wakanda any longer.

A Night a Finnegan’s(Open) @ 11:43 pm


So far it had been a slow night the bar of the authentic Irish pub that Casey worked at. If any of his family and friends saw this place they would laugh their arses off but they were paying him extra to work here just because he had a real Irish accent.

He was hoping that the action would pick up here so he could get more tips and there was not much more cleaning and restocking he could do. Still the night was young and business could definitely still pick up.


Marvel Next Generation Roleplay