Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

Family @ 01:17 am


Kalypso sat outside a small cafe in Rome and sipped her cappuccino. Normally she would go to a cold place, like the upper atmosphere, when she wanted to think, but today she wanted to be among mortals. She didn't want to feel so separated from them as she normally felt. Like she had been feeling since finding out she was an Eternal and not a mutant.

She watched the people pass by as they went about their daily lives. They were completely oblivious to the danger the world they knew was in. An ancient enemy stirred and none of them had any idea of what was happening. These days she wanted to be as ignorant as they were. She didn't want to know that the deviants were stronger and more powerful than they had ever been. It wouldn't be long until all out war started. She didn't want to know that the deviants wanted to enslave humanity.

She sipped her cappuccino and watched the sea of humanity around her.

Lazy Sunday (open) @ 05:05 pm


Anya was spending the day being lazy. Which for her meant camped out on the couch with her laptop and some movies. She hadn't moved off the couch in quite awhile and she didn't intend to move any time soon. She had worked her ass off in the past month to finish up her Independent Study work a week early so she had a break before classes started. New York was home and she needed to be home for awhile.

Her new armor was waiting to be finished and there were new nightclubs to check out, but today she was just going to be lazy. Which meant kicking back and working on coding projects that she had been meaning to do when she got some free time. From Russia With Love was playing on the television, but she didn't pay it much attention. She really didn't need to. She had the thing memorized.

The penthouse was rather quiet for a Sunday. Mom was...somewhere in the penthouse. Anya would guess the gym, but she thought she recalled seeing Mom head into her bedroom. Dad was in the lab of course. Eliza had moved to New Orleans and Dork 2 was...she didn't know where James was. Not even a peep out of Prince Dork.

Her stomach rumbled and she briefly thought about moving to see if there were any leftovers in the fridge. That would require moving though. Maybe in a little bit. Or better yet, maybe a family member would wander by and get her something to eat. There was also takeout.

Later. Anya would eat later once she finished this part of code she was working on. Maybe she'd see if Steve was up for dinner.

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay