Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

10 seconds @ 03:26 am


Alex had been practicing his shifting in his room whenever he could. When he felt confident enough in his abilities and brave enough to let someone else see, he went looking for Mel. Of all the people he knew, she was the one he wanted to show this to.

He followed his nose to track her down.

(no subject) @ 09:35 pm


It had been a long day; two tests and a midterm paper all do on the same day.  After dealing with all of that, Ryan was ready to find some baddies to beat down.  He took to the streets of New York  City for some low-key crime fighting, if you could call it that.


Of Wolf and Man @ 11:16 pm


Its a little before dawn. The circles are drawn, the spirits have been called. There's food and drink laid out for family and any friends who want to witness the ritual and who have been invited by Danielle, though everyone except Danielle has been instructed to remain outside the circle and keep any talk quiet and between themselves.

Lucas has been in meditation for over an hour, communing with the spirits of the area and one in particular, preparing the introductions and making sure he has the stories right.

At ten minutes before sunrise he looks to the gathered. "We have a few minutes. If there is any questions or concerns, now is the time. When Danielle steps into this circle, I must request we have no further interruptions or it risks everything. You may talk among yourselves, but not to either of us, and neither of us can leave the circle for any reason or the ritual will fail. We'll be here til sunset. Feel free to come and go, but please keep it quiet once the sun is rising. Everything is ready, and we have a few minutes. Any questions?"

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay