Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

I'm Learning Things I Didn't Want To Know. @ 12:18 am


They'd managed to wake Emily to get the elephants taken care of. They'd managed to get everyone back to Alpha Flight headquarters. They'd managed to call David and Misha's parents on the way. They'd managed...a lot of things, really.

The first thing Mel had done upon arriving home was dash to a washroom to be sick for a moment, then to clean off her face and hands. From this, figuring no one could need her for any more right now, she snuck into her own room, into her own walls, and put on some music.

No one will be prevented from entering the 'empty' purple room, certainly. But she wasn't going to bother anyone anytime soon.

Zodiac Girl, not interrupted. @ 12:42 pm

Current Mood: busy

S.H.I.E.L.D. was exciting these days. Sammy had always loved it, but with Mikel here it had become a real family endeavor. Dad and Dum Dum were keeping her busy in between the classes that Mikel insisted she keep up on. What free time she had, she spent with some of Mikel's team training.

So busy, she hardly had time to go back to the Avengers or remember she had a boyfriend. Though she did recall leaving Qamar a message or two. Maybe three. There weren't any messages in return, even if she could seem to remember where she put her cell phone. The damned thing was apparently walking around on its own; it was never in the same place she left it. Being separated from her team didn't seem to matter so much. She wasn't a powerhouse or a team mainstay, so they could do without her until things settled down. As Mikel pointed out, she was destined to head S.H.I.E.L.D. so she had to keep a buffer between them and herself. There might come a time that as director, she would have to stand against them.

It was just easier to crash at Mom and Dad's place. Not that it was any closer to S.H.I.E.L.D. than the Avengers mansion. She did leave a message at the Avengers' so they wouldn't wonder if she'd fallen off the Earth.

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay