Taking Flight pt. 3, Earning Their Wings @ 02:50 am
In the process of spending a ton of time getting everyone's new computer equipment set up, Jordan does some reading. If this is going to be Alpha Flight, he wants to make sure they're not missing anything important. He's read the contracts several times, but the government and Alpha Flight's history may include something he's missed.
While skimming, something makes him stop in the Weapon X Project. Sure, its officially disbanded, but it was still another government run organization - if something like that started up again, where would they fall?
"The hell? Why did they move all the equipment to the states? That doesn't make any sense." He does some more digging, including a little hacking. Just a little, really. Every step he takes makes him more and more confused. Especially when some cross checking turns up the news regarding Logan's sons.
"This is really not good."
He pokes the coms. "Folks, I think we have a problem."
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