Magic in the Magic Kingdom @ 12:42 am
With Kristoff and Cassie off doing their own thing, it left Andrea and Vincent plenty of alone time to explore the happiest place on Earth together. Together. Such a strange and pleasing thought. Andrea would not have believed it possible before now, had not understood the strange feelings that had filled her processor. But now, feelings had been admitted and a coupling established. And in the busy summer season, it was remarkably easy for the two youngest members of the Fantastic Four to pass completely unnoticed amongst the crowd (other than being two rather attractive young individuals. One particular passerby had questioned if they were stars from one of the many teen dramas on television).
Andrea already considered the day to be quite the success She had a mouse-eared hat and she had managed to convince Vincent to wear one as well. They had already been through the Haunted Mansion and been quite pleased to pretend to be impressed and frightened by the ghosts. Considering they had encountered real ghosts before, it was not nearly as frightening as it could have been.
Now, however, they were standing in-line for the Pirates of the Carribean. Andrea had seen the movies on DVD and had created quite the catelog of historical facts (unrelated the the ficticious event of the movie themselves) that had been incorrect in the presentation. Hopefuly, the ride would be more accurate.
She looked to her right and smiled at Vincent. "Are you enjoying yourself?"
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