Male bonding 101 (Defenders males) @ 01:49 am
The other two men of the group probably would have noticed how Griffen reacted around them. It wasn't so much in awe as he was more than a little intimidated by them. He would retreat carefully when he thought he could get away with it and often he did since he was a crafty man. But his dog had been begging for attention all day.
The beagle Zelbar had wiggled and squirmed all morning so Griffen had gotten a base ball bat and a bucket of tennis balls. He would toss one up into the air and hit it with as much force as he could. The ball would go flying and Zelbar would chase after it and sometimes he would bring it back sometimes he wouldn't.
The point was this was the most relaxed he had been since the fourth. Sydney somehow had been a soothing presence for him that day and he had been unguarded that day. He liked how professional she could be as well as how she was with Zoey. It was nice. Now he was very relaxed through with his dog around so it was unlikely there would be any carefully planned retreats from the two godling men if they happened to seek him out.
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