The Good Life @ 04:39 pm
Current Mood:

Vincent wandered his way into the common area on the 'kids' floor of the Baxter Building, sitting himself on the couch and kicking his feet up onto the coffee table. He glanced over at the on the entertainment center. Seven a.m., Sunday morning. Not the worst time to be getting back from a good Friday night, and a better Saturday, he mused to himself. He noted some lingering lipstick on his shirt; have to remember to point that out when he dropped it at the cleaner's.
He picked up a general use organizer from the table, tapping in his personal identification. "Voice messages left since last checked?"
"Twenty two," the digital voice replied.
"Organizational code Amorason-five. Discount messages from colleges seeking my enrollment, research facilities or weapons manufacturers offering jobs, aspiring 'mages', or young women I have made implications to call back but have not for reasons of my choosing."
"No new messages," the voice amended. Vincent turned his attention away from the organizer, reaching for the television remote and queuing up recorded news broadcasts for the past 48 hours. He turned his attention back to the organizer. "H.E.R.B.I.E., order half a dozen bacon egg and cheese bagel sandwiches from Schlotsky's Deli. Two with meunster, four with cheddar. Three on asiago parmesean, three on poppyseed. Large mint tea with honey and two sugars. For delivery." He smirked. "Charged to Mister Grimm's tab. Memo - Inquire about his poker tab to 'the Doomling' if charge disputed." He sent the message to the building's robotic gopher, then put down the remotes and stretched his arms over his head, settling his hands at the back of his neck. He noticed the phone number written on the inside of one of his forearms. He doubted he'd write it down before he showered.
The news started up with some fluff piece on Central Park using falcons for rat control, and Vincent smirked. This was indeed the good life.
(:tag any other Fantastic types, visitors, or anyone who wants to call really:)
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