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sydney_ashcroft ([info]sydney_ashcroft) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-05-25 05:06:00

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Entry tags:npc - avery crittenden, sydney ashcroft, zoey ashcroft

Happy Birthday!
Thankfully Sydney had swapped important information with Avery when they were synchronizing their calendars and it had given Syd the head's up that Avery's birthday was coming up. She knew Zoey would want to give Avery something for his birthday. Zoey had made him a card and Sydney took her shopping.

Just what did one give someone one didn't know too well for their birthday?

Syd racked her brain to find something, then she remembered Avery liked music. So she suggested a guitar to Zoey and they went shopping to find one for him. Syd didn't know if he still played, but it was the only thing she could really think of. Zoey liked the idea and of course now wanted to take guitar lessons too.

The man at the shop had been so helpful. All guitars looked the same to Syd, so she relied on the sales clerk to help her. They found a nice acoustic guitar and wrapping it had been a task, but in the end they managed it.

With card, gift and a cake made by Sarah in hand, Syd and Zoey went over to Avery's house.

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2010-06-01 03:32 am UTC (link)
She was thinking about dinner with just the two of them.

"I was thinking just the two of us. I'm sure you have more questions about Zoey I'd rather not answer in front of little ears and it would give us a chance to catch up."

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2010-06-01 03:42 am UTC (link)
"Oh. Of course!" he says, a little more eagerly than he'd intended. "I mean, sure. When is good for you?"

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2010-06-01 03:45 am UTC (link)
"How about next Thursday? My sister has been complaining that she hasn't had a chance to babysit Zoey in awhile. This is a good reason for her to do that."

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2010-06-01 03:52 am UTC (link)
"Thursday is great. I'd like that a lot. Do you like Thai food?" he asks her. "There's this place I've heard about from some of my co-workers, and they say it's good."

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2010-06-01 03:53 am UTC (link)
Sydney smiled. "I love Thai food. It's my favorite, actually."

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2010-06-01 04:00 am UTC (link)
"That's great. I've learned a new appreciation for it since my cousin Adrian took me to one in Boston last year. Granted, my cousin and I aren't best friends, but he knows where to get decent food.

And he's a fellow Celtics fan, so I have to tolerate him a little, don't I?" Avery laughed.

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2010-06-01 04:08 am UTC (link)
Syd laughed with him. "I suppose you do. We better get going. Someone has school in the morning and she can be a bear if she goes to bed late."

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2010-06-01 04:14 am UTC (link)
"Not a problem. I'd just like to hug her before you go. Again, thank you for today. I had a great time." he says, walking over to the stairway.

"Zoey! Come on down, sweetie. It's time to head home." he says.

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2010-06-01 04:17 am UTC (link)
"Of course." She smiled. "You're welcome. We had a great time too."

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2010-06-01 04:18 am UTC (link)
"Coming!" she yelled and then there was the sound of feet running down the stairs.

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2010-06-01 04:20 am UTC (link)
Avery smiled.

"Hey, slowdown there Speedy Gonzales." he says. "Hug please." he says, opening his arms.

"How do you like the room?" he asks.

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2010-06-01 04:21 am UTC (link)
Zoey threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly. "It's awesome! Thank you!"

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2010-06-01 04:25 am UTC (link)
"Awesome. I'm glad you like it. Now, you go home, mind your mom and get to bed on time so you get up for school, and I will see you this weekend." he says.

"You two drive safely. Zoey, call me when you get home so I know you and Mom made it. Okay?"

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2010-06-01 04:27 am UTC (link)
Zoey nodded as he told her what she needed to do. "Okay. I will." She hugged him again. "Happy Birthday, Avery!"

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2010-06-01 04:28 am UTC (link)
"Come on, monkey. Time to go." Syd said as she put a hand on Zoey's shoulder.

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2010-06-01 04:38 am UTC (link)
He hugs Zoey again and smiles, walking both women to the door.

"You two drive safe and have a good night." he says.

Once they're gone, Avery grabs his guitar, sits on the couch, and begins to play.

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