Happy Birthday!
Thankfully Sydney had swapped important information with Avery when they were synchronizing their calendars and it had given Syd the head's up that Avery's birthday was coming up. She knew Zoey would want to give Avery something for his birthday. Zoey had made him a card and Sydney took her shopping.
Just what did one give someone one didn't know too well for their birthday?
Syd racked her brain to find something, then she remembered Avery liked music. So she suggested a guitar to Zoey and they went shopping to find one for him. Syd didn't know if he still played, but it was the only thing she could really think of. Zoey liked the idea and of course now wanted to take guitar lessons too.
The man at the shop had been so helpful. All guitars looked the same to Syd, so she relied on the sales clerk to help her. They found a nice acoustic guitar and wrapping it had been a task, but in the end they managed it.
With card, gift and a cake made by Sarah in hand, Syd and Zoey went over to Avery's house.
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