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Anya Antonovna Romanova Stark ([info]anyastark) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-05-23 06:57:00

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Entry tags:anya stark, inactive - beetle, inactive - elise von strucker, inactive - jay macendale, inactive - molly hayes, inactive - rok lu, inactive - victor mancha, npc team - hydra, team - thunderbolts

There Goes the Neighborhood
The move to Cambridge had gone surprisingly smoothly. Anya had her two suits packed into shipping containers and packed onto a truck. Along with other various pieces of equipment, mainly computers and screens, and a trunk or two of her clothes. The ride up was uneventful as Anya followed the truck in her car.

The renovations to the old firehouse were almost done. There was still a little bit of work left to be done, but the place was liveable now and ready for the new team. It was an old firehouse with four floors for living space, a garage at the bottom and a expansive basement. Anya was claiming the basement area for her lab. It was the most open space in the building and could be secured better than the rest.

The ground floor was for vehicles. So far there was only her car, but she was sure there were more to come. The first floor was the kitchen and living area, the second a gym and a game room, and the other two floors were bedrooms. Each member would be able to have their own room along with an extra room for a guest room. It had come along quite nicely.

Moving day had arrived and one by one the members she had invited to join the team had arrived. Rooms where claimed and they put away belongings.

By the time dinner time rolled around, everyone was tired and no one wanted to cook. In Anya's case it was lack of skills which prevented her from cooking. So it was dinner out on Anya. They headed down the block to Cinderella's. It was Italian food and she was sure everyone could find something to eat.

They sat around the table and talked while they ate.

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2010-05-23 06:08 pm UTC (link)
"Wait a second," Sydney said. "You can build a suit of armor, but you can't touch a blender?"

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2010-05-23 08:42 pm UTC (link)
"Something like that," Anya grinned. "I am a walking disaster in the kitchen. Jarvis banned me from the Avengers kitchen and Toni still hasn't let me live down The Cereal Incident."

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2010-05-23 08:55 pm UTC (link)
"Cereal? What the heck could go wrong with cereal? It's idiot proof. Bowl, pour, milk."

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2010-05-24 02:17 am UTC (link)
Rok laughs. "I can cook well enough. Of course, I'm like a microwave oven myself. It is to be expected." Rok took a bite of his gnoccis and moaned a little. I wonder how delicious those cannolis are... Rok thought, as his sweet tooth got the better of him.

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2010-05-24 02:40 am UTC (link)
"It's not Stark proof though," she said with a grin. Of course it may have had something to do with her accidentally pouring something other than milk in the bowl and that interacting with the sugar in the cereal. Never grab food on the way to or from the lab and when carrying chemicals.

"I've just given up on the whole cooking thing. It's easier to get takeout. Not to mention less time cooking means more time in the lab. Which reminds me, there's more equipment coming and the lab should be up and fully functional by the end of the week."

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2010-05-24 03:46 am UTC (link)
Jay quirks an eyebrow at Rok and considers teasing him about the moaning but lets it go. "We'll have edible food one way or another, I'm sure," he remarks.

"So we'll have our own little mad scientist lair downstairs, eh?" he asks with smirk. "Great," the man stretches a bit.

"So. What's the story on you guys?" he asks suddenly, looking at Rok and then Sydney. "Where'd you get the powers and what put ya in the brightly colored spandex?" he inquires, curious about the people he'll be working with.

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2010-05-24 08:19 pm UTC (link)
Sydney's smile was strained, at best. "Electrical engineering degree and a famous uncle for the first one," she said. "And for the second, well, let's just say I need supervision to keep from doing things I shouldn't."

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2010-05-24 08:32 pm UTC (link)
"My father and mother both had radiation powers. My mother gave me her control and my father his raw strength. And his mind, if not his mentality. Sending one's son to be killed by the Mandarin will do that." Rok sighs. "As for the radiation suits, it was being saved by Iron Man first. Then defeating my father in a fight. I took his hovervehicle, renamed it the Energeticar and tried to protect Beijing. Now, I have come here, to try to help the peoples of America who wish to fight... darker impulses." Rok then notices the waitress with the dessert menu.

"Was that a molten fudge cake I saw on that?"

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2010-05-24 08:37 pm UTC (link)
Anya nodded. "The lab is for anyone to use when they need to," she said. "It was and it's really good," she said to Rok.

She looked at each of the others. "I'm going to tell you something only a very few people know. I was the Lady Mandarin twice in the past year and a half. Everything she did...that was me.'

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2010-05-24 08:46 pm UTC (link)
The fork in Rok's hand begins to spark and bend. His knuckles have turned white, and his skin on it green.
He then relaxes his grip and puts the fork down. His hand soon is back to it's fleshy tones.

"I am sorry to hear that you went through such an ordeal. I know we all have demons to fight within and without us." Rok obviously sounds a little rattled. "If you excuse me." Rok gets up and heads to the restroom, and is through the door quickly.

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2010-05-24 08:54 pm UTC (link)
Jay smirks a bit, looking Sydney over. He makes a mental note to flirt later. His attention returns to Rok and Anya and the goblin arches an eyebrow. "Radiation, eh? Interesting..." he trails off. "Glad you got to kick your old man's ass," he says. Jay would have loved to take a shot at his father.

"Hm. May pay a visit down to that lab. See if I can whip up some heavier artillery. Only guy in this little crew without powers or power armor," he muses. He was used to be the only 'normal' guy in a group of 'freaks' but this was bigger leagues than his old gang.

"Mandarin? That's the old guy with all the rings, right?" he's a little behind on the who's who. Rok's reaction gets a few blinks and Jay watches him go. "Huh," he pauses, glancing at Anya and Sydney. A thought comes to mind.

One of them is going to ask me to go talk with him, aren't they?

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2010-05-24 09:01 pm UTC (link)
Sydney watched Rok go. Well... there's friction.

She'd already heard this story, of course. "Huh," she agreed.

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2010-05-24 09:32 pm UTC (link)
"I'll take care of it," Anya said as she stood up. "It's my mess to deal with. If you'll excuse me?"

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