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franklen_four ([info]franklen_four) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-05-19 19:09:00

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Entry tags:franklin richards, npc - stature, team - fantastic four, vincent vernard

Imaginary Folklore by Nujabes
It had been awhile since Franklin recovered from his coma, and he had been working on keeping himself in check.  Therapy every week helped him control his emotions better, although he was happy that his sessions were over in the coming week.  He sighed in relief and sat down in the kitchen with a hot mug filled with hot chocolate in front of him.  He made it himself, and it tasted particularly good.  The trade secret was two little baggies of the hot chocolate mix.

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2010-05-20 12:01 am UTC (link)
"Vincent. I was brainwashed into being evil, and I didn't have any blocks on! It was by luck that I didn't kill everyone! Didn't that cross your mind even once?!"

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2010-05-20 12:07 am UTC (link)
Vincent pounds his hands down onto the table. "NO, SURT TAKE IT ALL! I HAD FAITH IN YOU!" He snaps back. It was never that hard for a conversation with Franklin to turn into a fight, now least of all times.

"I know we've never been 'buddies' or anything close to that nature, Franklin, but do you honestly think that in all the years I've known you I would honestly think you're capable of bringing harm to your... to OUR family?! You... you... you're damn near all-powerful, and haven't let it consume you in spite of that!" It's praise, but being that it's Franklin, Vincent practically chokes on his own indignation in the course of getting it out.

"You didn't kill them because.... because you're Franklin Richards... the same reason that Kristoff got everyone through it, because he's Kristoff... you all know who you are.. it's something I've never had. Soemthing I still don't have." His voice wavers as the volume goes down again.

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2010-05-20 12:26 am UTC (link)
"I DIDN'T KILL THEM BECAUSE APOCALYPSE HAD ME ON A TIGHT LEASH, VINCENT!!" Franklin shouted with full blown tears running down his face. His mug shattered. "It isn't a matter of who I am, Vincent! It's a matter of whether or not I have control, which I don't! You have absolutely no idea what it feels like to have more power than you can handle! I'm too scared to even learn to control all of it!"

He took a few deep breaths, but that didn't help his anger at all. Being "all-powerful" was never something that settled well with Franklin.

"You were Vincent Amorason, brother of Kristoff Vernard, Charmer of the Fantastic Four, lover of Awesome Andrea. I don't know who the hell you are now."

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2010-05-21 01:46 am UTC (link)
Cassie had been up and around through her wheel chair when the shouting match started. And so she grabbed a book she had been reading and wheeled inside the kitchen. She had the same look on her face she had when Scotty was doing something idiotic that she'd told him not to do.

"You know other people live here and are even trying to relax." Rising blood pressure was bad, thank you very much.

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2010-05-24 05:00 pm UTC (link)
"Cassandra,--" Vincent wheeled around, moving to her. "I'm sorry for the disturbance. You could have used the intercom to interrupt. Are you alright to be up and about like this already?"

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2010-05-25 03:49 am UTC (link)
Franklin's attention turned to Cassie. His anger diminished, and he was more focused on her than anything else. Vincent still managed to gather negative attention to himself from Franklin, but he tried ignoring it. It wasn't easy, but he tried.

"Cassie?" He looked at her, and then the book, and then back to her. "Sorry. I didn't meant to..." He trailed off and looked to the side, embarrassed. Next time he'd had to use his brain to yell at Vincent.

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2010-05-25 08:31 pm UTC (link)
"The doctors said a wheelchair is fine as long as I don't overdo it. But you two-" She used her book to point at them. "Need to chill out. And you, Vincent, we need to talk later. Franklin," She had to pause to get this right. "I understand why you're mad at Vincent, believe me, but there are more productive ways to deal with that anger than screaming so loud everyone can hear."

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2010-05-26 02:26 am UTC (link)
Vincent furrows his brow in upset, but doesn't argue.

"Yes, Cassandra."

He gives Franklin a frustrated, but not angry, look, before wandering to the fridge to find himself something. "Would either of you care for anything? I was thinking of making tuna dip."

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2010-05-28 08:22 pm UTC (link)
Normally she wouldn't take him up on that, preferring to get her own food (not out of spite, out of a need for independence- or perhaps the den mother instinct) but she since she would need to stand at one point to get it on her own... "Actually, do we have any more peanut butter ice cream?" At least it was a flavor and not actual peanut butter in ice cream- although she'd tried that once when they were out. It wasn't the same.

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2010-06-02 12:14 am UTC (link)
"Yes ma'am," Franklin replied to Cassie. He walked over to a counter away from Vincent, missing the look he got. His silence toward Vincent easily answered his question.

"I saw some earlier," he told Cassie while he went to fetch it for her.

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