A Night's Rest
Apparently fighting off vampires and cultists earned a person a stay at the city's palace. The local king was most appreciative of having his city emptied of the vampires and cultists and had invited the Avengers along with Red Sonja and Conan to stay for the night in his palace.
Svalin cared not where she stayed, only that she had a place for Tryggvi and someplace to sleep. Hard or soft, it didn't matter. She was used to sleeping on the ground as much as she was used to sleeping in a bed. The girls were shown to one suite and the guys to another. In the middle of the room that connected to the two bedrooms was a large bathtub put into the floor. Servants filled it with steaming water. The same was in the guys' room. They were all expected at dinner in two hours.
Svalin carefully checked her weapons and equipment and laid the out one by one on a table in the room. Getting clean was not the highest priority for her.
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