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ng_rgoodfellow ([info]ng_rgoodfellow) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-05-18 20:26:00

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Entry tags:anya stark, inactive - jay macendale, npc team - robin goodfellow, team - thunderbolts

Jurassic Park- New York City

The order hadn’t really done anything in a while and decided to do a little something to make up for the inactivity.

No one in the Museum of Natural History noticed the man in the leather jacket walk into the museum or that he headed straight for the dinosaur exhibit and then immediately left. However people did notice when the dinosaur bones started moving and running around like real dinosaurs and it didn’t take too long for them to escape the museum and start running around Manhattan.

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2010-05-20 05:06 am UTC (link)
"I doubt I'm Avengers material," Jay replies with a smirk. "But what's this offer of yours?"

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2010-05-20 05:16 am UTC (link)
"A new team for people with less than spotless pasts and those trying to live down a family legacy."

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2010-05-20 05:20 am UTC (link)
Jay blinks a few times. "Well that's not what I was expecting," he admits. "You've caught my interest. What else can ya tell me?"

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2010-05-20 05:23 am UTC (link)
"Thunderbolts. We'll be based right outside of Boston. Room, board, spending allowance and a chance to do some good."

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2010-05-20 05:27 am UTC (link)
An eyebrow is quirked at the name. Jay starts to make a comment when the benefits catch his interests first. Especially the part about a spending allowance. He frowns a moment, thinking it over.

"What about supplies? Materials...this stuff," he spins a razor bat on his finger. "doesn't grow on trees. Ther spending allowance part of that or is someone footing that bill?" he asks. There's a pause and the young man asks the question gnawing at the back of his head. "And what do you guys want out of me if I join up?"

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2010-05-20 05:32 am UTC (link)
"The team will be funded by the Maria Stark Foundation like other various teams are. We will have funds for tech and there are people on the team who can repair it."

She opened the visor to her helmet. "What we want is your skills and knowledge to be a team member and do help us do some good."

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2010-05-20 05:37 am UTC (link)
Jay's rather obviously impressed even if he tries to seem like he's not. There's a smirk from the young man as the visor comes up and he takes a few moments to just study Anya. Eventually he shrugs.

"Eh, what the hell. Gotta be better than living in a warehouse. Just tell me where I need to get to," he says, hopping off his glider and walking over to offer a hand. "You've got yourself a goblin."

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2010-05-20 05:58 am UTC (link)
Anya took the offered hand and shook it. She produced a card from a slot in a gauntlet. "This is where the headquarters will be. It will be ready in about two weeks. My number is on the card if you have any questions."

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2010-05-20 06:15 am UTC (link)
Jay blinks a moment at the card that's produced. "Alright then..." he murmurs. Slipping the card into one of the compartments on his belt, Jay pulls the mask back on.

"I should have everything packed and mobile by then," he says, voice changed thanks to the mask's modulator. He presses a button on a device on his belt and the glider moves over towards him. "I'll see you there," he offers. "I'd give ya my number but I don't have a phone," he laughs. "See ya in Boston then," he offers a mock-salute before taking off and heading back towards the warehouse. He's got to pack everything up for his trip.

"Much work to be done..." he muses softly to himself.

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