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ng_rgoodfellow ([info]ng_rgoodfellow) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-05-18 20:26:00

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Entry tags:anya stark, inactive - jay macendale, npc team - robin goodfellow, team - thunderbolts

Jurassic Park- New York City

The order hadn’t really done anything in a while and decided to do a little something to make up for the inactivity.

No one in the Museum of Natural History noticed the man in the leather jacket walk into the museum or that he headed straight for the dinosaur exhibit and then immediately left. However people did notice when the dinosaur bones started moving and running around like real dinosaurs and it didn’t take too long for them to escape the museum and start running around Manhattan.

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2010-05-20 01:36 am UTC (link)
The bomb bounced off the triceratops’ skull and lands at one of its feet and explodes taking out one of its legs causing it to hobble charge towards Jay.

The repulsor blasts take out the T-Rex’s arms and much of its ribs. The T-Rex turns and charges at Anya.

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2010-05-20 01:42 am UTC (link)
Jay just snorts and flies upwards to avoid the charge. As he does, the Hobgoblin tosses another bomb over his shoulder at the beast.

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2010-05-20 01:44 am UTC (link)
Anya charged directly at the T-Rex. T-Rex meet armor powered punch.

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2010-05-20 01:52 am UTC (link)
The bomb takes out another leg and the charging triceratops hits the ground hard and fall to pieces.

The T-Rex’s skull shattered like it was made of glass and the whole thing fell apart landing in pieces on the ground.

The battle draws the attention of a small pack of raptors who rush to the scene to see their fellow skeletons fall apart.

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2010-05-20 01:59 am UTC (link)
"Well, looks like I finally get to try out a new toy," Jay remarks when he spots the raptors. He tosses another pumpkin bomb but this one's not an explosive. It bursts open on the ground and spreads an oil slick in hopes of tripping the raptors up.

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2010-05-20 02:01 am UTC (link)
"This is absurd," Iron Girl said as she flew in low close to them and unleashed repulsor blasts.

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2010-05-20 02:08 am UTC (link)
The oil slick takes down several raptors and a few even fall apart hitting the ground to hard. The others make their way past it either walking on top of their fallen comrade or running on top of cars but several of those are taken down by the repulsor blasters only a few make it to the pair and start jumping trying to reach them and take a bite or claw at them.

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2010-05-20 02:16 am UTC (link)
"So says the person flying around in metal pajamas," Jay snorts, flinging a few razor bats at jumping raptors as a few claws and teeth cut into his cape.

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2010-05-20 02:17 am UTC (link)
"They aren't metal pajamas!" she insisted as she grabbed a raptor and threw it at the side of a building.

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2010-05-20 02:22 am UTC (link)
The raptors that get to Jays cape try to hold on to it and drag him to the ground. The Raptor that jumped at Anya is crush when it hits the building but another tries to jump her again.

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2010-05-20 02:34 am UTC (link)
Cursing under his breath, Jay gets dragged part of the way to the ground before his cape tears. "Dammit," he growls, looking around at the raptors. "Okay...gonna need a little help here unless you want me to start blowing up cars," he calls.

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2010-05-20 02:36 am UTC (link)
Anya grabbed the jumping raptor and slammed it into the ground. She moved to help the Goblin.

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2010-05-20 02:38 am UTC (link)
The raptor the Anya slammed shatters and the remains ones crowd around the two still trying to jump for them.

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2010-05-20 02:54 am UTC (link)
Since bombs aren't a good option at such close range and his gauntlets have proved ineffective, Jay resorts to razor bats and martial arts moves to fight the raptors.

"Now I see why the one Goblin carried guns..." he grunts.

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2010-05-20 02:56 am UTC (link)
"Guns wouldn't work against these things," Anya said as she smashed a fist into one of them.

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2010-05-20 03:00 am UTC (link)
The martial arts moves and razor bats take down one of the raptors and Anya’s smash take down another leaving only one more Raptor jumping for them.

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2010-05-20 03:12 am UTC (link)
"The stuff he was packing would've," Jay responds. "But that's really not important right now," he adds, sending one more bat at the raptor to try distracting it so Anya can blast it.

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2010-05-20 03:16 am UTC (link)
Anya did blast the raptor.

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2010-05-20 03:21 am UTC (link)
The Raptor was shattered after being hit by Anya and distracted by Jay.

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2010-05-20 03:23 am UTC (link)
Jay takes a deep breath and then stands up straight. Brushing off his costume, he hops back onto his glider and picks up the part of his cape that was torn off. "Damn...that was nuts."

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2010-05-20 03:25 am UTC (link)
"Yes, it was," she agreed. She turned to him. "We need to talk. Now."

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2010-05-20 03:30 am UTC (link)
Jay quirks an eyebrow and crosses his arms. "We do?" he asks. "And about what?"

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2010-05-20 03:31 am UTC (link)
"You. Up there," Anya said as she pointed to a nearby rooftop. "Now." Anya blasted off and went to the rooftop.

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2010-05-20 03:33 am UTC (link)
Shrugging, the Hobgoblin follows. He doesn't bother to land, staying hovering about a foot off the rooftop.


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2010-05-20 03:41 am UTC (link)
"Start explaining. If you're not a bad guy, explain what you're doing as a Goblin."

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(no subject) - [info]neogoblin, 2010-05-20 03:48 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]anyastark, 2010-05-20 03:56 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]neogoblin, 2010-05-20 04:15 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]anyastark, 2010-05-20 04:36 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]neogoblin, 2010-05-20 04:47 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]anyastark, 2010-05-20 05:02 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]neogoblin, 2010-05-20 05:06 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]anyastark, 2010-05-20 05:16 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]neogoblin, 2010-05-20 05:20 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]anyastark, 2010-05-20 05:23 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]neogoblin, 2010-05-20 05:27 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]anyastark, 2010-05-20 05:32 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]neogoblin, 2010-05-20 05:37 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]anyastark, 2010-05-20 05:58 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]neogoblin, 2010-05-20 06:15 am UTC

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