What If: Domestic Life
Sydney hummed an upbeat tune while she cleaned and chopped carrots for a salad. The classes she taught today had gone very smoothly. She only had a few more weeks to go and she would have her masters in Ancient History. In the fall she'd be starting on her doctorate. Life was going very well for her and she was a happy woman.
She glanced at the clock. It was only four thirty. Zoey was in the rec room watching cartoons and Avery wouldn't be home for at least another hour. Which mean she still had time to think of something to make for dessert. She was thinking about brownies. There was plenty of time to make some and they would go great with the vanilla ice cream and topped with melted peanut butter.
The carrots were tossed in the bowl of salad and she toss the knife and cutting board into the sink. She glanced at the muted television. Huh. LA now had its own team of superheroes judging by the headlines. She didn't think San Francisco would get a team anytime soon. Which was fine in her book. They didn't need villains and heroes alike destroying parts of the city.
She grabbed a box of brownie mix from the cabinet and started collecting the items and ingredients she would need.
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