Entry tags: | alex bowmaster, antaeus, anya stark, argo, awesome andrea, casey flynn, david roberts, giovanna bennet, gregory price, guardian, holiday, inactive - abigail hawk, inactive - aine gold, inactive - alice dugan, inactive - anastasia summers, inactive - arron wyatt, inactive - cassidy summers, inactive - chris frost, inactive - chris pym, inactive - dawn roberts, inactive - dream catcher, inactive - gene kalso, inactive - grace danvers, inactive - izzy starsmore, inactive - jake wagner, inactive - james romanov rogers, inactive - jay macendale, inactive - john walker, inactive - julian gallo, inactive - justin rhodes, inactive - karen lynch, inactive - leech, inactive - lisa graves, inactive - lyta braddock-worthington, inactive - match, inactive - matt walker, inactive - may parker, inactive - melissa frost, inactive - michelle clarke, inactive - molly hayes, inactive - pauline argosy, inactive - rose logan, inactive - swashbuckler, inactive - victor mancha, inactive - wally kaplan-altman, jack murdock, joe marko, kalypso, kristoff vernard, luna maximoff, marlow, mason jeffries, misha loganovich, nicholas salem, nimue smallwood, npc - avery crittenden, rachel summers, sammy fury, tamara blaire, toni rhodes, tsunami, vincent vernard, zoey ashcroft |
Mother's Day
Mothers are the place that we call home.
On them we rest our heads and close our eyes.
There's no one else who grants the same soft peace,
Happiness, contentment, sweet release,
Erasing nighttime tears with lullabies,
Restoring the bright sun that makes us bloom. - Anonymous
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