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Ohu Amane ([info]ohu_amane) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-05-06 15:31:00

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Entry tags:inactive - grace danvers, inactive - ohu amane, inactive - wally kaplan-altman, npc - wonder man, team - defenders

Going for a ride...
Ohu Amane does more with his time than just eating, reading, playing video games, watching movies, and sleeping. Today, he's gone out to help live up to the name of his team. He will Defend people!

So it is that he's sitting in the back seat of a car, smiling quietly, while the two carjackers in the front seat swear and fire back at the police chasing after them.

"I don't think you're going to get away," Ohu says pleasantly.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" the one riding shotgun declares, leaning out the window, firing at the police behind them.

"Noisiest damn hostage we've ever fuckin' taken," the driver declares, spinning the wheel to take a corner at top speeds, hoping to lose the cops.

"I think you're supposed to use your turn signal," Ohu comments.

"Shut UP!!" the gunman declares.

Ohu smiles quietly. He hasn't seen yet any potential danger to any civilians or policemen yet, or to himself of course. But eventually, he'll put an end to the whole thing, when it's gone on long enough to make a good story.

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2010-05-07 02:30 am UTC (link)
Wally is shocked to say the least. He blinks a few times and suddenly has an armful of Ohu. "Okay," he says. "Hey! Wait up!" he calls, flying after Simon.

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2010-05-07 02:43 am UTC (link)
He's not waiting up, but Captain Marvel is faster. "Wally! I could kill you! Or worse! Please, go!"

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2010-05-07 02:50 am UTC (link)
Ohu hears this, and he closes his eyes in concentration.

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2010-05-07 02:53 am UTC (link)
Wally blinks and then frowns. "Uhh...what?" he asks. "I'm pretty sure you're not gonna kill me," he says, clearly confused. "I have no idea what you're talking about..."

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2010-05-07 03:05 am UTC (link)
He starts to hover. "Figures."

"Wally, my ionic body does not work with your physiology. It is dangerous to you. It can make you unstable in more than one way."

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2010-05-07 03:08 am UTC (link)
Ohu opens his eyes, and looks directly at Simon.

"Simon, I sense no danger to Captain Marvel from you."

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2010-05-07 03:12 am UTC (link)
Wally tilts his head to the side. "That doesn't make any sense, Uncle Simon," he says.

Then Ohu speaks up and Wally nods. "See. Nothing to worry about."

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2010-05-07 03:16 am UTC (link)
He processes this.

A long time.

It's...sort of like watching a volcano in slow-motion.

"Son of a BITCH!" He flashes so strongly into his true form it blinds the sky momentarily over Los Angeles in purple. Ohu may sense danger now. It's not directed at anyone here, but he could level a few city blocks in Manhattan."

He is too mad to talk. He can barely see.

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2010-05-07 03:26 am UTC (link)
Ohu watches this explosion with a furrowed brow. But as it fades, he slips out of Wally's arms and walks up to Simon -- standing in mid-air.

"Friend Simon," he says gently, placing a hand on Simon's shoulder. "It is clear someone has lied to you... and they have kept you from your family. And this is not the first time." He looks back over his shoulder to Wally. "But you cannot change the past. You will have a chance to address these crimes, but for now... he is here. He wishes to see you. And you will not harm him."

He reaches out to clasp Simon's hand, and then pulls him towards Wally through the air.

"You have missed time. Do not loose more with your anger now. Make time for the anger later. For now... rejoice. You have your family before you."

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2010-05-07 03:39 am UTC (link)
Deep breaths. Even though he doesn't need them, there's a body memory that finds them soothing.

"I'm -" he says in a very small voice. "Follow me."

20 minutes later, they're on top of the Observatory in Griffith Park with a six pack. "Feel free." The best way to describe his mood is "deflated."

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2010-05-07 03:47 am UTC (link)
Wally shields his eyes from the bright light. When Ohu starts walking on the air, Wally quirks an eyebrow. "Dude...you could do that the whole time?" he pauses and shrugs. "Okay."

The hybrid listens and watches quietly. He frowns in confusion, not sure what exactly is going on. He doesn't speak up again until Simon does. "Sure," he chimes.

WHen they land on the Observatory, Wally blinks and pulls back his mask. He snatches up one of the six pack but doesn't open it yet. "Thanks."

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2010-05-07 03:52 am UTC (link)
Ohu takes a beer. He's a bit thirsty after all. He cracks it open and begins to drink, figuring that now he will get to hear a great story. He sits comfortably, quieting himself for the conversation.

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2010-05-07 04:00 am UTC (link)
He rubs is mouth and chin in a classic pose of tiredness. There is decades of weight now visible upon him - so much so he looks well beyond what would be his physical age. "Least I can do, Wally."

He's close to crying. First Grace, now this. He doesn't even know where to start.

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2010-05-07 04:08 am UTC (link)
Wally finally pops open the beer and takes a swig. He's under age but then again his age is a weird thing all together. Most things with him are weird.

Wally watches Simon carefully and eventually takes a breath. "So...what was with the big explosion over there, Uncle Simon?"

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2010-05-07 04:22 am UTC (link)
It's the duty of the screw-up uncle to get you your first beer.

"Not sure you want to know," she says. "It's not your Dads' fault. Billy and Teddy I know were great to you. You may have been one of the most wanted kids in history."

He takes a long swig off his beer. "When you were a baby, there was a problem. You were starting to become unstable. You doing that set off your Dad, and that set off Wanda...and I think you know just how badly that can go."

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2010-05-07 04:36 am UTC (link)
Wally listens quietly. When Simon brings up his parents, Wally actually blushes faintly. "Yeah...guess I might have been..." he trails off.

When the instability issue comes up, Wally tenses. He looks down at the bands on his wrists and shudders. "Yeah...that...that's not a good thing," he says. There's a long pause before Wally speaks again. "What happened next?"

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2010-05-07 04:41 am UTC (link)
"I was told to get lost because the running theory was I was the cause."

That's whitewashing a lot of details, but no one else gets to punch Vision before he does.

"Wanted to see your first school play. See the first tooth you lost. All I could do is send a Christmas card. That was supposed to be pushing it."

"I'm sorry, Wally. I shouldn't have just accepted what I was told."

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2010-05-07 04:51 am UTC (link)
Wally jumps a bit. "Who told you that?" he asks. "One of my grandfathers? Or uncle Pietro?" he guesses.

"Man...my first school play did not go well. Some crazy witch attacked looking for Dad Two..." he trails off. "I don't think I've ever lost a tooth actually," he says, finding this awkward.

There's a long pause before he smiles. "No need to apologize, Uncle Simon," he says with a smile. "I understand why it happened. But hey, don't have to worry about it any more."

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2010-05-07 04:58 am UTC (link)
"I should talk to him first." If "talk" is the word to use.

"Yeah, I do." His grimaces soften. "You look so much like them."

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2010-05-07 05:04 am UTC (link)
Wally is quiet for a moment and then shrugs. "Alright," he says. He doesn't like it but he doesn't want to cause an argument.

"Who? My dads?" he asks. "I guess I sorta do," he chuckles. "But then again I can look like anyone I want."

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2010-05-07 05:16 am UTC (link)
He shakes his head. "Exactly."

"Does that mean you're looking at joining the Defenders if you're out here?"

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2010-05-07 05:22 am UTC (link)
Wally blinks a few times then chuckles a little.
"Sorry, I'm still an Avenger," he says. "Of course if you guys ever need a hand I'll fly on over," he says.

"I came down here to see you actually. Visiting family," he explains.

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2010-05-07 05:25 am UTC (link)
Now, he's crying. Slowly, still not fully believing it, he pulls his nephew into a half hug.

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2010-05-07 05:28 am UTC (link)
Wally blinks at the crying and doesn't resist being pulled into the hug. After a second he hugs back. "Hey, no need to cry," he says. "It's happy time."

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2010-05-07 05:40 am UTC (link)
"Exactly," he mutters. "Exactly."

When he pulls back from the hug the next words out of his mouth are, "You should meet Grace. What are you doing for dinner?"

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(no subject) - [info]marvelkid, 2010-05-07 05:42 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]pop_trash_hero, 2010-05-07 05:43 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]marvelkid, 2010-05-08 02:32 am UTC

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