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Lyta Rose Braddock-Worthington ([info]lytaworthington) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-05-05 00:07:00

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Entry tags:antaeus, inactive - chris pym, inactive - lyta braddock-worthington, inactive - molly hayes, misha loganovich, plot-"horsemen of the apocalypse", plot-"what if", sylvia mccoy, tsunami

"What If?"- A New Age
The Dark Rider Lyta Worthington flew over the citadel.

They had tried to defeat them. The Avengers and the X-Men had gone against the Horsemen and the Dark Riders, thinking that could DARE to challenge them and the Lord Apocalypse, and they had failed.

A number of the upstarts had been killed in the battle. Some had escaped, but she and her fellow Riders would hunt them down...and do to them what they did to their teammates. There were some, that they had captured. Those...they would make an example of. The whole world had to know that anyone who dared to oppose the Lord Apocalypse was doomed to fail.

Lyta touched down on the ground. It was a new age under Apocalypse, and she felt honored that he chose her to be a part of it.

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2010-05-06 02:43 pm UTC (link)
"We're almost all ready to go," Molly stood off to the side, not wanting to intrude. Durability or not, she'd taken a beating in the fight, and it showed. There was a wide gash on her cheek, several cuts on her arms, and her left arm was in a sling. She forced a tiny smile, making a weak attempt to lighten the mood.

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2010-05-06 03:12 pm UTC (link)
"I love you, too. Don't you ever forget it." He kissed Sylvie's cheek and turned his head to smile at Molly. "Let's double and triple check everyone."

He moved to get to his feet and stretched. "We'll all go together as far as Salem Center. There's a path through the caverns Dad marked so we'll come out close enough to walk the rest of the way without too much trouble.'

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