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Lyta Rose Braddock-Worthington ([info]lytaworthington) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-05-05 00:07:00

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Entry tags:antaeus, inactive - chris pym, inactive - lyta braddock-worthington, inactive - molly hayes, misha loganovich, plot-"horsemen of the apocalypse", plot-"what if", sylvia mccoy, tsunami

"What If?"- A New Age
The Dark Rider Lyta Worthington flew over the citadel.

They had tried to defeat them. The Avengers and the X-Men had gone against the Horsemen and the Dark Riders, thinking that could DARE to challenge them and the Lord Apocalypse, and they had failed.

A number of the upstarts had been killed in the battle. Some had escaped, but she and her fellow Riders would hunt them down...and do to them what they did to their teammates. There were some, that they had captured. Those...they would make an example of. The whole world had to know that anyone who dared to oppose the Lord Apocalypse was doomed to fail.

Lyta touched down on the ground. It was a new age under Apocalypse, and she felt honored that he chose her to be a part of it.

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2010-05-05 02:28 am UTC (link)
"Soon, Westchester," Antaeus commented. "It will be good. To raze what is there, and raise the stone to something new."

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2010-05-05 03:52 am UTC (link)
"Yes," Famine said as she sat astride her mount.

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2010-05-05 04:44 pm UTC (link)
A giant war-beast was held on chains by attendants as they tried to settle it. It was somewhat occupied by tearing a whole cow apart with its jaws. There was a spark of human cunning in its eyes, but massively overshadowed by savagery.

Two slack chains hanging to the ground were testament to attendants that had not been up to their task.

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2010-05-05 05:17 pm UTC (link)
The last few remaining X-Men Gold and Blue teams and students were using the caverns below the Xavier Institute for shelter. Every hour spent here was an hour they risked capture and certain death. Without a plan and a place to go, they were as helpless out there as they were here.

The adult teams were missing in action and presumed dead. They'd gone after Apocalypse and hadn't returned in days.

Misha and the other older students, a bare handful to carry on where the adults left, plotted and argued over the issue. The supplies in the caverns would keep them alive for several months if carefully used, but with their former friends and teammates in Apocalypse's power, they were easy targets.

The push to move the younger mutants to Canada was Misha's idea. There was a better chance for help and more space to hide. His father had a bolt hole up there that he and David knew of. Misha would stay and try to keep up the illusion that they were still in the area and give them time to disappear. If they could manage it, he wanted them gone just after nightfall.

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2010-05-06 07:05 am UTC (link)
A hand reached up for Misha's wrist. Sylvie sat on the ground. Her chair hadn't been something that could be gotten in the tunnels, so she'd crawled and somersaulted and piggybacked her way.

"You're sure about this," the first few times, it had been a question. Not anymore; it was just a regretful statement now.

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2010-05-06 07:27 am UTC (link)
"Think who we're facing on the other side," he said quietly as the murmurs went through the others. His hand reached for hers to squeeze reassuringly. "It's only a matter of time. We have to move before we're caught here." It was unnecessary to terrify kids already scared with stories. The enemy knew them as well as they knew themselves.

It wasn't supposed to be like this. They weren't supposed to be at war with the people they grew up with, laughed and cried with, loved. "Someone has to stay. I'll have a better shot at keeping them busy so the rest of you can get out over the border."

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2010-05-06 07:47 am UTC (link)
She nods slowly, sadly. Really, being surrounded by dirt and stone was just piling the danger on -- and the ways it hurt to think about, too.

"You have to go and make sense," she mutters, then steels herself. "We'll look after the littles as best we can, Misha," she promises. Damn it, this was no time to cry, because once she got started where could it end, and she'd need to see straight soon.

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2010-05-06 08:07 am UTC (link)
"We have to survive, Sylvie. If it calls for the ultimate sacrifice of making sense, then I'm willing to do it." He cracked the joke but didn't laugh himself.

He sank to the ground next to her and pulled her in close. A few more minutes and then he'd push them to start getting supplies together. "I know you will."

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2010-05-06 01:38 pm UTC (link)
Sylvie clung to him with all four hands for a while, but soon it was time.

"Love you," she said quietly. "No revelation there, just the way you knew I did." It still needed saying, this one last time. She wished she'd told the others more, when they were still enough of themselves for it to matter, instead of just enough of themselves to have an edge in hunting them.

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2010-05-06 02:43 pm UTC (link)
"We're almost all ready to go," Molly stood off to the side, not wanting to intrude. Durability or not, she'd taken a beating in the fight, and it showed. There was a wide gash on her cheek, several cuts on her arms, and her left arm was in a sling. She forced a tiny smile, making a weak attempt to lighten the mood.

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2010-05-06 03:12 pm UTC (link)
"I love you, too. Don't you ever forget it." He kissed Sylvie's cheek and turned his head to smile at Molly. "Let's double and triple check everyone."

He moved to get to his feet and stretched. "We'll all go together as far as Salem Center. There's a path through the caverns Dad marked so we'll come out close enough to walk the rest of the way without too much trouble.'

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