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digthefuzz ([info]digthefuzz) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
Jake, awoken by yelling but not awake enough to make sense of it, makes his way to the bathroom with his tail swaying lazily behind him.

Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he doesn't pay much attention to the voices coming from the room as he opens it up. The fuzzy blue guy pauses when he sees Cait though. It takes a second for it to register. Girl in the bathroom.

"Gott im Himmel!" he exclaims, sounding a bit more ridiculous without an accent, and leaps right back out the door.

When it registers with him that he did indeed go into the right bathroom and Cait is in the wrong one, Jake hesitantly shuffles back into the room. He starts to ask Cait why she's in there but sees Zak first and jumps. "Uh oh..." he trails off simply. He may not know exactly what's going on but he does get the feeling that something is wrong.

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