Pulled back in (open)
He was in his office grading tests. Ezekiel had gotten used to working here. He no longer woke up at all hours to go solve crimes. He no longer had nightmares about dead people whose lives he hadn't saved or whose killers he just couldn't find. He was starting to find peace.
That peace was going to be interrupted. He answers the phone and his ex-wife is sobbing over the phone. "Mary. Jesus. Mary. Calm down sweetheart. What's wrong?"
She fell out of love with him. It wasn't the other way around. Though sometimes he wishes he fell out of love with her years before. It would have saved her so much trouble.
"It's our son. I don't know what happened. He hasn't come home from school Zeke," she confesses.
He freezes and almost drops the phone. "Mary. It's five o'clock on a Saturday afternoon. Why didn't you call me sooner? Why didn't you call one of the guys at the station? I know I left on a sour note but geezs my ex-partner loved James, Mary."
She sniffles and he wants to comfort her but this isn't about her or him. It's about their son. "I'm calling them. I'll come into the city and start lookin' myself."
He wants something else too. "I want to start seeing him again after this Mary. I... I missed him. I'll call you on my way in."
He hangs up his phone then sighs. He should bring someone with him. With his leg he isn't as spry as he used to be,. He also has a bad feeling about this so he gets up and starts looking around to find one of the older students or maybe Gabe to see if they'd be willing to go look with him. He normally wouldn't ask for help but it's his kid so all pride goes out the window.
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