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Wade Wilson ([info]mercwithamouth) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-04-28 15:55:00

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Entry tags:crosshairs, npc - deadpool

Ever since extracting himself from that god forsaken shipping box, Deadpool has been on a string of hot dates with ugly dudes.  They've all died with beautiful bloodflowers blooming from their heads and chests, but that doesn't matter!  Deadpool is bored.  He needs a challenge.  He needs... a taco!  Now the whole story leading up to how Deadpool got to where he could even access tacos is a long and drawn out affair and in all honesty it's actually really boring.  In fact, I even told Deadpool that there were no tacos in Somalia, but he didn't believe me..  Oooooooh no!

Oh, and who am I?  Well - I'm Wade's third personality.  

ANYWAYS, Wade was totally bummed out when he got to Somalia and realized that there are no tacos there.  The idiot wandered around for a few days, marveling at the sights and sounds.  The mercenary bazaar was one of the best we've seen on years!  Seriously!  You should see the rocket launcher we picked up...

Of course, all good things must come to an end, and some of those pesky pirates decided that they wanted our rocket launcher. So. As I'm sure you can imagine, things got a bit nasty.

Deadpool is, at this current moment, standing on the bough of the ship, eying the midnight water just over the side. The pirates somehow managed to gang up on him, and have subdued the insane man with no less than 20 ft of rope and several heavy chains.

"Guys? Seriously - I don't know how to swim and it's just going to be really annoying if you make me walk the plank," Deadpool says. "Can't we just talk things out?"

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2010-04-29 01:24 am UTC (link)
"Now Kelly-pants, I want you to be cautious. Remember to practice Safe Gun-handling when you've got a spotter that you would rather not have to replace."

Sighing, he blows up a stream of bubbles into the tank, and then gives a little bit of a drunken hiccup. "Alright. Daddy wants to see some panties drop. C'mon baby-girl! Let's go see those boobies and Peacemakers!"

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2010-04-29 01:26 am UTC (link)
She frowns. "No, the girl with the Peacemakers is mine... you can have the other ones." They don't interest her, but its all worth it to go see her twirl her guns, yes.

That stated, bowling-ball-dad and Crosshairs go skipping off to the strip club.

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2010-04-29 04:07 am UTC (link)
"You're right, you're right.." agrees Dad in his soup of nachos and tequila and nutrients. "Just make sure to point me up a good skirt and I'll be happy."

And oh man.. Did she point him at quite a few pretty skirts. He never got a look at the Peacemaker chick though.

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2010-04-29 06:33 pm UTC (link)
Of course he didn't. The joys of having dad in a bowling ball. Every time Miss Gunns comes up, she just turns the bowling ball around to face the men's restroom.
At least she always turns him back when the next act comes on.

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