"Kelly-pants!" replies Wade with what is probably a big stupid grin under his half blown off mask. The C4 is grabbed out of the air, and Deadpool turns around to truck it for the engine room.
On the way, he makes sure to stop and grab his rocket launcher and other assorted arms and ammo. By the time he makes it down to the hold, Kelly probably has already set her explosives and timed them. Of course she didn't account for dear old dad getting distracted.
Thirty seconds too late, he comes loping out the door, ten seconds too late to get off the ship in time. In slow motion the ship start to explode, Deapool with it!
Oh, but that isn't the end of dear old dad. No sir! From the giant mushroom-cloud comes a foot ball shaped object, literally screaming! It makes a graceful arc over the water, and goes flying straight for where Crosshairs is situated.
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