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Sin Varias ([info]deadliestsin) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
The shift was coming to a close and Sin couldn't be happier about it. He was a night owl by choice, and hated when he was scheduled to come play the lunch rush. Usually they liked him to stay until the evening band would show, simply because he was apt to doodle on the piano for hours and not complain. The fact that he didn't complain didn't mean that he was totally enjoying himself. In all honesty, Sin would have rather been asleep.

Still, there he was, playing something properly somber and morose to fit his mood this day. He wasn't exactly sure why that was coming out of his fingers, but it was. probably because he knew that he had a lot of work to do tonight when he'd rather be napping. Sin was a lazy creature when given the choice, but he had a fairly big show coming up for his own musical endeavors, and that meant practice. Practice. Practice. Practice.

The music he played though was rambling and meandered it's way through several themes before Sin's attention came back to his hands and he tried to get them to play something a bit more recognizable. The best he could get out was a barely recognizable version of an old Coltrane song. He doubted anyone would even notice what it was supposed to be, but the music inside of him was being rather testy today and refused to let anything out of his fingers without a heavy coloring of his own personal style to it.

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