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Rose Logan ([info]wild_rose) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-04-15 19:50:00

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Entry tags:inactive - anastasia summers, inactive - arron wyatt, inactive - chris frost, inactive - chris pym, inactive - match, inactive - rose logan, inactive - shatter, inactive - summer morgan, plot-"all-new all-different x-force", team - x-force, team - x-men, tsunami

All-New, All-Different X-Force! See you on the island...
By startling coincidence (yeah, right), all three squads had ended up at the cave at nearly the same time.  "Funny meeting you here," Rose muttered.

This was... wrong. Extremely wrong.  An island out to get them?  Missing X-Men?  A brand-new team being put together to go find them?  It all added up to one horrible, horrible possibility.  She'd been told the story often enough growing up, even used the place in question as a staging ground for Danger Room scenarios.

She looked over to Chris and Anastasia, eventually taking in Christina, Melinda, and Joey as well.  She was worried about him.  The others had survived mostly unscathed and she was healing, but he'd taken some hard knocks.  She'd have to keep an eye on him.  Dammit.  How she felt about him... major distraction right now.  And yet, she wouldn't trade him for all the edge it might offer.

"Okay, hands up, this remind anybody of anything from X-Men History 101?"

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2010-04-15 11:40 pm UTC (link)
"Sounds good. Let's do this." Joey says.

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2010-04-16 12:14 am UTC (link)
"It's times like this I wish we had weapons other than ourselves."

Her diamond form had faded by now, the walk to this location given enough time for it to fade. Here was to hoping she'd get irritated enough to go again. If not, well, there was brain scrambling. Certainly sentient worlds had THAT.

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2010-04-16 10:49 pm UTC (link)
Melinda has not shifted back, and is still shattered glass, maintaining a humanoid form. "I'll take point," she offers, heading towards the front of the group.

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2010-04-16 11:21 pm UTC (link)
Chris shifts to be a bit larger, but not fully transformed. "I've got rear guard."

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2010-04-16 11:51 pm UTC (link)
Rose took up a middle point, behind Melinda.

"I can smell them," she said. "Not far," she added. "Make a right up ahead."

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2010-04-16 11:54 pm UTC (link)
Joey tries to focus as much as possible and follows behind Rose and Melinda. He's determined not to slow the group down.

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2010-04-17 12:58 am UTC (link)
Still in her ruby form, Anastasia took up the front, following Rose's directions. "Let me know if anything smells...off. Well, more off than it already does."

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2010-04-17 09:24 pm UTC (link)
Christina takes a deep breath and continues along with the others, clearing her mind and focusing her telepathic abilities to pick up traces of the others.

"I think I've got something, but it's weak. The mental signatures are extraordinarily weak." A flicker of worry crossed her face. "I...have never encountered something so muddled before guys."

She wasn't entirely certain what that meant.

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2010-04-18 12:02 am UTC (link)
This whole place practically made Rose itchy. It was like someone was trying to get into her head.

Rose held up a hand, stopping those behind her, and called out to Melinda. "Hold up."

She sniffed again. "Smells... hefty plant smell up ahead. And definitely our people. But smells... kinda like... We gotta move. They don't have long."

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