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nightingalesong ([info]nightingalesong) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-04-11 20:11:00

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Entry tags:inactive - alice dugan, inactive - qamar, team - shield

Setting up:
It doesn't take long Qamar long to unpack his things into his quarters. It's not like he's got a lot of things in the first place. Clothing, a couple school books, his laptop, and his costume. At least the... accessories for the costume won't get strange looks if people find them in his closet.

With everything packed away, he grabs his laptop, sits at his desk, and begins to work on his school work. It's not due for a few weeks yet, but when you're a superhero, you never know when your time will suddenly vanish due to alien kidnapping or what have you.

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2010-04-12 01:27 am UTC (link)
Alice opened the door. "Hey," she said, "I just wanted to see how you were settling in."

"I'm Alice, by the way. Sammy's friend."

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2010-04-12 01:30 am UTC (link)
He stops typing and gets to his feet immediately, offering her a hand. "Qamar el-Sayed," he greets politely. "And... just fine, thank you."

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2010-04-12 01:40 am UTC (link)
She took the offered hand and shook it. "I was wondering if you wanted to go grab a cup of coffee. Sammy suggested that I should get to know you. I know a cafe not too far from here that has the best espresso."

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2010-04-12 01:42 am UTC (link)
"Sure!" he smiles. "One second." He goes back to his laptop, saves his work, and shuts it flat. "Though you haven't had coffee until you've had it from a place about 10 blocks from where I grew up in Cairo."

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2010-04-12 02:09 am UTC (link)
"You grew up in Egypt, right? Sammy mentioned it." She laughed. "I don't know...there's some pretty good coffee places around here. Nice and strong. Just the way I like it."

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2010-04-12 02:10 am UTC (link)
"If the coffee can't be sliced, it's not real coffee," Qamar replies, a teasing glint in his eye. "Cairo, yes."

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2010-04-12 03:05 pm UTC (link)
"If and when I ever get myself to Cairo, you'll have to tell me where this place is so I can test it out for myself." She grinned. "I do love my coffee."

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2010-04-12 04:39 pm UTC (link)
"It's not for everyone," he warns, as he shuts the door behind them as they head for transport of the Helecarrier. "Most Americans I've met find it too strong for them."

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2010-04-12 10:23 pm UTC (link)
"I love strong coffee. The stronger the better. I'm an addict."

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2010-04-12 10:26 pm UTC (link)
"We'll see," Qamar replies. "Remember, Muslims don't drink alcohol... coffee almost replaces it. If American coffee is beer, this coffee is like... a shot of whiskey."

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2010-04-12 10:36 pm UTC (link)
"Maybe just a shot to start off with, then."

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2010-04-12 10:38 pm UTC (link)
"The cups are small for a reason," Qamar grins.

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2010-04-12 11:00 pm UTC (link)
She laughed. "Anything bigger would knock you flat on your ass?"

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2010-04-12 11:46 pm UTC (link)
"No," he shakes his head. He takes two more steps, then says, deadpan, "The small cup knocks you back. A larger cup would send you somersaulting into the street."

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2010-04-13 12:06 am UTC (link)
Alice grinned widely. "I really want to try this now."

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2010-04-13 02:24 am UTC (link)
"I can probably make some," he offers.

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2010-04-16 03:26 am UTC (link)
"I'd like that."

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