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nextgen_misc ([info]nextgen_misc) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-04-08 14:14:00

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Entry tags:inactive - anastasia summers, inactive - chris frost, inactive - chris pym, inactive - match, inactive - rose logan, inactive - shatter, plot-"all-new all-different x-force", team - x-force

All-New, All-Different X-Force! Island Boogie
With the speed of the Blackbird, the six X-Men were able to reach the island, located in an otherwise empty stretch of the Pacific Ocean, in almost no time at all. The island looked as though it had been untouched by man for centuries. Thick jungle had grown without limits and a towering volcano could be seen rising from the center. A thick swampland dotted one end. There was no sign of life, no sign of the Blackbird that had brought the other team.

There was an almost sinister feel about the whole thing.

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Re: Team One: Anastaisa and Christina: the Swamps
2010-04-09 09:16 pm UTC (link)
The optic blast tore through the swarm of mosquitoes easily, eliminating the vast majority of them. The few that remained scattered, giving into animal instincts in spite of whatever else might be guiding them.

Things went quite for a moment, before the swamp water before them started bubbling, as though something were coming to the surface.

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Re: Team One: Anastaisa and Christina: the Swamps
2010-04-11 01:29 am UTC (link)
Fear. Christina felt it surge through her as the swamp started bubbling and as she felt it, her whole body went diamond, shutting off the emotion and making her unbreakable.

"The water's alive." She braced herself. "Bring it, swamp thing."

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Re: Team One: Anastaisa and Christina: the Swamps
2010-04-11 02:43 am UTC (link)
Anastasia gritted her teeth. "Damn. It'll take me awhile before I can fire another optic blast. Gotta recharge first." Luckily, invulnerable ruby form meant that she could still pack the heat, though.

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Re: Team One: Anastaisa and Christina: the Swamps
2010-04-11 02:44 am UTC (link)
The creature that emerged from the swamp was tall, nearly seven feet and vaguely human shaped, but other than that, its resemblance to anything human was scant. Little more than a mass of swamp plants, it lurched toward the two.

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Re: Team One: Anastaisa and Christina: the Swamps
2010-04-11 09:33 pm UTC (link)
"Well, I saw Emma do this once. Worked for her." Christina charged the creature and dove in, cold diamond fingers gripping and ripping away at the tangle of plants.

"Anastasia...I think the mind power behind this place...is coming from below."

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Re: Team One: Anastaisa and Christina: the Swamps
2010-04-11 10:53 pm UTC (link)
Anastasia followed suit, diving and tearing at vines.

"Below...as in under the ground? Terrific."

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Re: Team One: Anastaisa and Christina: the Swamps
2010-04-11 11:20 pm UTC (link)
The creature didn't last long under the combined bejeweled assault, its pieces falling back into the swamp with sick, wet sound.

Little more would molest the two as they continued to make their way through the swamp, but it was becoming quite clear the land was starting to shape itself to direct them where it wanted them to go.

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