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Melanie Hall ([info]purplegeist) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-04-05 21:31:00

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Entry tags:jordan bochs, melanie hall

Easter Mass
White dress. White shoes. A way to the church arranged.

Going to Easter Mass without Dad's quiet enthusiasm, and Mom to give 'what're you looking at?' glares to anyone who seemed like they weren't focused on the point of the occasion, felt a bit odd.

She stopped by Jordan's room.

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2010-04-06 12:50 am UTC (link)
Jordan is dressed nicely for the occasion, but still conflicted. His relationship with the Catholic Church isn't an easy one, still. And despite how much he's 'fallen' in so many ways, he still goes to mass, and he's glad for someone else's presence.
"Hey Mel, come on in."

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2010-04-06 12:55 am UTC (link)
"Hi." She steps in. "Nice outfit." Pause. "I'd say if we leave soon we could beat the crowd, but it's Easter, so the crowd's kind of inevitable."

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2010-04-06 01:21 am UTC (link)
"Given the Department's concerns about both anti-mutant protestors and autograph hounds, its been taken care of. I'm not sure I like it, but we have reserved seating and a driver in a roped off area. You look great though."

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2010-04-06 01:55 am UTC (link)

Mel frowns a little as she nods, because taking reserved seats at church is pretty weird.

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2010-04-06 03:49 am UTC (link)
He shrugs. "They do it for a lot of dignitaries, government people, things like that at big events. Not at all services, but when people will know where they'd be."

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2010-04-06 04:06 am UTC (link)
She nods. "Still not much used to being any kind of celebrity, I guess."

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2010-04-06 04:08 am UTC (link)
"I'm used to being a different sort of celebrity, maybe, but not the kind that gets security considerations."

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2010-04-06 04:18 am UTC (link)
"Sports stuff?" She smiles sheepishly. "I haven't even been to regular school since I was 12, so I really haven't gotten out much."

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2010-04-06 04:24 am UTC (link)
"Yeah, extreme sports. Fun and all, but not as meaningful as Alpha Flight."

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2010-04-06 05:03 am UTC (link)
She nods as they head out. "It's great to be helping."

"Did you know, in Switzerland, they have the Easter Cuckoo?" she says conversationally. "And they tie ribbons on all the fountains, because water flowing is a sign of rebirth and renewal. Dad used to love talking about it."

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2010-04-06 05:28 am UTC (link)
"I didn't know that. The priest and nuns who raised me were very intent this time of year, but very, here, I guess."

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2010-04-06 05:39 am UTC (link)
Mel looks at him as he talks, and pauses for a moment, before continuing quietly. "Well, it's an important time to be intent about ...My parents always say it's too bad that the Church sometimes seems more focused on Good Friday than on Easter itself, because celebrating redemption is more important than reflecting on what a horrible world it is. Even if it is, Dad says."

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2010-04-06 06:52 am UTC (link)
He's quiet for a few moments, thinking, then he smiles. "You're absolutely right on that. I think maybe a little of that is just that they don't have trouble filling the pews on Easter. Everyone shows up. Good Friday, they need to work a lot harder. Your parents are smart people."

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2010-04-06 07:11 am UTC (link)
"Probably, good point." Mel nods and smiles brightly. "Yeah."

Once they're there, Mel manages to ignore the staring and the separate seats and slip into the comfortingly familiar rituals and responses.

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2010-04-06 07:13 am UTC (link)
The rituals and responses are easy enough. He grew up learning them word for word, and the hymns, at least, he sings with heart and conviction. He opts out of taking communion though.

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2010-04-06 07:31 am UTC (link)
It's a nice thing, she always thinks, all the voices raised together.

Mel does take communion, and still manages to ignore any stare-related anxiety -- although once that's done, she has to be careful not to let her legs melt into the kneeler cushion.

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2010-04-06 07:42 am UTC (link)
He's all-business about kneeling in prayer, seeming in deep contemplation and focus while at it. When he does finally look up, noting her tension, a hand reaches out to rest on Mel's shoulder, just for a moment, and he offers her a small smile, trying to help her be at ease here.

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2010-04-06 07:54 am UTC (link)
Mel returns the smile and calms a little better, and all goes smoothly right to the recessional.

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2010-04-06 08:01 am UTC (link)
He follows out of the church, making sure to thank the priest, then seems somewhat lost in thought for a bit thereafter, most of the way back to the car. Finally shaking himself out of it, he makes a 'ladies first' gesture when the chauffer opens the door for them.

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2010-04-06 08:04 am UTC (link)
Mel gets in. "It was a very pretty service."

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2010-04-06 08:05 am UTC (link)
"Yeah, it was at that. You go every Sunday?"

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2010-04-06 08:26 am UTC (link)
"Not perfectly. Especially not now that there's sudden foreign aquatic invasions on some weekends. But I try to go sometimes."

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2010-04-06 08:40 am UTC (link)
"Well sure, but then nobody's perfect and all."

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2010-04-06 09:00 am UTC (link)
She smiles. "But yeah, I try to go more often than just Easter."

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2010-04-06 09:07 am UTC (link)
"Oh sure, of course. I still try and go at least once a month, sometimes more."

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