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Anya Antonovna Romanova Stark ([info]anyastark) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-04-04 16:06:00

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Entry tags:alex bowmaster, antaeus, anya stark, inactive - arron wyatt, inactive - charlie rogers, inactive - lyta braddock-worthington, inactive - summer morgan, inactive - swashbuckler, misha loganovich, sammy fury, svalin, tamara blaire, team - avengers, team - x-men, toni rhodes, tsunami

Spring Break (open)

To: Prince Dork (misha_romanov@xaviers.edu)
From: Anya Stark (anya_stark@starkindustries.com)
Subject: Sun and fun

Hey Dork,

I'm inviting the Avengers to the Tahiti house for a week. You're invited and so are the X-ers.

Leaving 5pm on the 4th. Coming back on Friday the 9th around 1pm.

Let me know how many are coming.


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2010-04-06 05:31 pm UTC (link)
Svalin paused. "There ist a shapeshifter who canst take dragon form?"

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2010-04-06 05:39 pm UTC (link)
"Pretty sure!" Vernique hovered earnestly.

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2010-04-06 05:49 pm UTC (link)
Svalin frowned. "This ist most perplexing and vexing. I had thought I had found a challenge and something to do whilst here."

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2010-04-06 05:57 pm UTC (link)
"Sorry. Wish I could help there, but unless you've got any interest in shooting, we're in very, very different leagues."

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2010-04-06 06:00 pm UTC (link)
"There art bows and arrows to use?" Svalin asked. "I couldst use some practice."

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2010-04-06 06:06 pm UTC (link)
Behind the shades, Vernique blinks. "Well, I haven't, well, arched since high school, but yeah, Steve's got his gear. Maybe we could borrow."

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2010-04-06 06:31 pm UTC (link)
Mortals were so confusing. "What didst thou mean when thou said shooting?"

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2010-04-06 06:45 pm UTC (link)
"Guns. Firearms -- I use electroshock weapons, myself, but those aren't much of a target-practice thing."

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2010-04-06 06:47 pm UTC (link)
"Oh. I couldst give them a try. They doth take the challenge and fun out of battle."

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