The Most Magical Place on Earth
Sarah is about as nervous as it gets. A double date was one thing, but she had Anya and Steve along then, and Anya has usually been her social occasion security blanket. And now she has a whole week alone with Molly, who is quickly earning 'as wonderful as it gets' points.
She'd done everything she could to set things up properly. Anya had the trip and reservations in hand, of course. She still had to get help showering and all, so it may have been a bit of a letdown there - not quite so easy to surprise your date with strawberry scented shampoo, slightly tight jeans and the rest when your date helped wash your hair and get you dressed. Ah well.
The wheelchair also isn't quite ideal, but the people on the plane, and then the airport attendants were nice enough to help out so Molly didn't have to do everything. Sarah is also getting use of her arm back, so she can manage short distances on even ground pretty well. Tomorrow should be better still. The limo was a bit tougher, but between the two with super strength and a little help from the chauffer they managed.
Even with all she's seen though, the gates take her aback. "Wow... this place is huge."
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